Saturday, 26 October 2019

Kdrama day

Kdrama day

I've been watching OH my Venus my lastest Kdrama about a fat lawyer and a martial arts trainer

It's really funny, and maybe even better than K2

so find it and watch it for yourselves

I binge watched yesterday and I'll watch another tonight before bedtime

Maybe its because Love wins through in the end in Kdramas that's why I like them so much

I can enjoy the music too, and sniffle away, and dream when's my turn.

But enough of the pathos

I may get back in the saddle and write something new tomorrow

Though I don't work to any deadlines

My Tinnitus and  pain are the shadows in my life, there are others, but some things I don't talk about believe it or not. And no I'm not talking about spots on my bum, and no I don't have any there, that was just a random explanation

So go read some of the 2000 stories here plus 500 chats as well as the 18 books
 over 1,530,000 words  And when you have finished that I'll be back at my desk writing more. See if you can catch me up.

and maybe just maybe the nightmare of Brexit will be over

or if you are in USA the Republicans will have rediscovered Integrity and Dumped Trump.

me in 1991 in Lourdes

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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...