Friday, 11 October 2019

American Politics the Worst Comedy Ever

American Politics the Worst Comedy Ever

just a few thoughts after I've read The Press today

I am the accused

So I'll try and be my own judge as well

Then if it goes to the Supreme Court

Judges I appointed  will now be my judge

I will refuse to allow the evidence to be seen or heard

Because I can stop the evidence being revealed

I can stop my appointees from speaking against me

Anybody not for me is against me

So I'll sack them or blindfold and gag them

Nobody can see my taxes

Nobody can see my exam results

Nobody this and nobody that

But everybody knows about the 18+ others

But I've slapped gagging orders on them, and paid for silence

This goes on and on

I spend my time watching Butt licking tv, and playing golf

Then I say of course I'm as innocent and pure as the Virgin Mary

Though when this game of Charades is finally over I don't have a Prayer

My biopolar behaviour reeks havoc the world over

Turn left, turn right, go up, go down, sit, stand, dance

And everybody obeys me, I am a stable genius

I am alone know everything, I am God

And my face burns, a side effect of my meds for biopolar

So I have a  great tan, as Washington burns as I

Fiddle as Nero did, and as only I can fiddle

Meanwhile the world despairs

What can they do, I am an all powerful genius

My country's moral authority  has been spent

No morals, just MY authority left

What were Regan's words about a President gone rogue

The flash on the horizon, as no good men, not even a few

Stood up and did the right thing

Country First not Party, as the embers of a once great

country smoulder amongst the weakness of corrupt old white men.

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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...