Friday, 25 October 2019

far flung readers far flung family

Below is a map of some of the places reading my rubbish today
right at the very end by my bottom.

so if any of you are in the Media, how about opening that door so I can annoy even more of you scattered all over world.

Over on Wordpress the Translations continue to be read all over the world too. I only thought of translations because I had great Polish neighbours, and that led to 21,000 Poles in under 3 weeks by word of mouth. for In Search of an Indian Princess which is the gripping finale of 
The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker
it's online and in Polish, so go look.

I am not on FB or LinkedIn I did give them a try years ago. I even tried the complicated Google version, I got 300,000 + views but i did not believe it, I thought it was OCD, here and on Wordpress i can see a graph.

I need more pain killers now and I have a new Kdrama about a fat girl lawyer, it's very funny so far, so I'll be watching that.

What else my copy of  MSWord died as it ran out of uses, I had to reinstall several times as Windows 10 Update killed my computer. So Bill if you want to send me a copy feel free, or I could claim to be a Student of Life hence I'd get a free copy. But Rupert Murdoch giving me a deal is more likely to happen, or that Kpop girl coming to type for me before Bill sends me a copy. Though I do admire him for "doing God's work" as he calls it, with all these Health things he does in the 3rd World. Once I have my break I will emulate him though on a far tinier scale, not unless I outsell  JK Rowling, if you have an ambition or prayer, always ask for the Big Grace as padre pio once said.

Now its time for Kdrama, I may get around to Peer Pressure later. Basically though, THERE IS NO COMPETITION. Be yourself and don't try to fit into anybody else's shoes not even your mother's  not unless you are a drag queen and she is out at the bingo. I once tried to copy my  brother and gave up rugby, but I came back to it. You can only be yourself, you are not an actor. So just fit your own skin, and accept that better or worse. You may find a new direction, don't be one direction, not unless your name is Harry Styles. And if your name is plain old Harry Windsor come and talk to me, or just bring a copy of Microsoft Word and then I can change your world forever. Change starts on the inside and radiates outwards. Only when you are happy on the inside can you help change the world, one person at a time, starting with yourself. Let me be your Spike Milligan, no Knighthood required, or even a hoodie.  If you can work or wok out this MC=4C then I'll accept you as my student. Harry be good, Harry be happy and don't forget to change those nappies.

I ended up almost writing it all down anyway. So George Clooney if you are reading this or is it Jim Mathis?  or even Barron Trump, just forward it to him.
Any maybe just maybe I'll get a free copy of MSWord, see I'm so venal, that is my sin.  

Cheerio Michael Casey
the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham the one in England

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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...