Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Too Good to be True

Too Good To Be True©
Michael Casey

Well events happen and after you say, “it was too good to be true” and so it is. If something appears too good to be true then it probably is. You pray to Saint Jude for something and you get a quick answer, only it’s the wrong answer. Ok, you prayed for a job any job will do, and BINGO you get one, working down the Mortuary. Saint Jude did his part, now you must do yours wheeling the dead away.

I heard half a story that somebody I used to work with ended up with that kind of job, maybe I misheard Paul Godshill, if I remembered his name right, I even think we now live in the same street. He’ll be hiding behind his curtains now, not CASEY. His brother was a picture hanger, a professional picture hanger. Millionaires who have a nice collection would get him to hang them so they look nice. No going down Woolworths for sticky back hangers, but proper hangings by a Godshill. I think in the end the Picture Hangerer gave up the job as somebody was trying to teach him to suck eggs, or rather cut cloth.

So things are going along swimmingly, you have a great job which you enjoy then it ends. Things really were too good to be true. He’s probably an internationally famous best selling writer now, he’s far far cleverer than I’ll ever be.Though he’d never tell me his pen name. If you want to appear smart, just hang out with clever people, then nobody will notice you are a dullard. Or pretend to be a dullard then you can pounce afterwards, and bite their bum, and I bite bums if people annoy me. Or as Laura once said, “he does bit too”.

Life does toss in curve balls, which sounds like a disease Sports Men get, but you have to go with the flow, as somebody said to me, he later became a vagrant when his life spiraled downwards. Yes life can be too good to be true. So make sure you save for a rainy day, and marry a good woman. Women are the bedrock of society, they get on with it while their useless men flounder. It’s a woman’s prayers that keep a family going.

We all can come a cropper, you waste a day on an Interview Process, and by the coffee machine say something that is taken out of context, and you lose the chance of a job. And you did not get paid a penny for the process. That’s one way you can get knackered. Or you apply for a job and they ask you “what is the least you will work for”, yes I actually had that question, and you are desperate for a job,so you put a lower figure and lose £1000 a year, equal to a month’s salary back then. Perhaps I should name and shame the company, and yes it did turn out to be the worst one I ever worked for. Ringing up every day when you are sick with food poisoning badgering you as to when you  will return.

Life is not fair, don’t think it ever will be, things are too good to be true, if you make a few good friends along the way then that’s the best you can hope for. Yes you can have a guilded life, but then behind the mask, behind the facarde reality is unseen. You may be coughing up blood for months but people don’t know and wouldn’t even care, yes I’m harking back to that bad company. Luckily I was only there a year, I promised myself I’d leave after our trip to USA, so I did.   

All in all, into each Life some rain must Fall, but we all need to have a defence mechanism, of love, of hope, of friends. Failing that 17 pints of Stella Artois and a packet of Walkers Cheese and Onion crisps.                          

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