Wednesday, 3 October 2018

God is Good as my mother always said

God is Good

too tired to write a new piece so here’s something from 7 years ago

God is good, and he is our “daddy” not a cold and strict Father, so in the end he wouldn’t turn his back on anybody, we are his creation, there may be some sort of penance. But I like to believe he’ll cry tears for us so that we’ll all be let in for the party. Angels and Saints and our own mum’s pray for us so in the end we’re all invited. Think of Hell as a black hole without light or heat or love. Total absolute darkness, no light, no sight, no smell, no touch, no taste, no sound. Nothingness, like being  paralyzed and not being able to communicate, just total fear, madness your only companion. If the thief on the cross can be pardoned then I think you and me will sneak  into Heaven. And if I’m wrong, none of us would be able to say “I told you so”, because Hell is a Black Hole.
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A day of Infamy

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far