Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Evening All 10th Oct 2018

Evening All 10th Oct 2018

So I've only 1/2 back with the wifi, maybe restored this weekend if I can manage to follow simple instructions.

Thanks to Polish and Russian readers and whoever is reading Korean translation of my stuff.
I have  yet to work out where Unknown Region is. maybe  the Space Station or some VIP with a masked IP. I don't think the Queen would read me, but a queen would.

Hope you are all well, my Tinnitus arrived a few months ago and is a nuisance, but so long as I play lots of music I can ignore it. I  have a ton of new music so I've been listening to that, Mylie Cyrus and Taylor Swift really have great voices, and Timberlake and Rag and Bone Man really should be listened to. They are new sounds to my 90s record collection, so I've jumped 30 years.

Hello To Egypt for passing by,  I hope they were not disappointed.

I'll do a new new piece in  a day or so, everything is in flux at the moment, chez nous.
However I did post 17 Again which is the first 150 pages or 50,000words or so of what will become my next book, so that's about 1/2 ready.

My arthritis and various chest pains still persist and can drain any spirit. At least I was able to provide a few words to help somebody with an application. I am good with words, even if nothing else, apart from my fantasies which I'll leave to your collective imagination.

here's something from 2 years ago to keep you busy

BBUMar2008.en.zh-CN (1)BBU in HebrewBBU in Arabic300 وBBU in KOREANBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish ExamplesKOREAN TRANSLATION Still Alive 2015The Polish TranslationsSpanish BBU아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015Altogether Now2016

Drugs Addiction ©

By Michael Casey

I’ve got out of bed, its  on a Sunday night into Monday morning, everybody including Totoro the cat is asleep upstairs. I was screaming in pain for a while then I decided to come down and take some pain killers, and I thought I may as well write something while I wait for the pain killers, Paracetamol, to kick in. It also takes your mind off the pain, it distracts you, as does watching the tv or something on the internet, take your pick.

Yesterday on the BBC we had a 30 min documentary explaining the plague of drugs in the USA, one million addicts, there was even a doctor or MD as you call them over there, and he got addicted to prescription pain killers before moving on to the nasty stuff. One million addicts, it showed some from the Rust Belt, I’m amazed they had the energy to go out and vote Trump, they were so hazed over.

I have pain killers for my Arthur as I call my Arthritis, and for my heart, 2 years on and I still get lots of pain at random intervals. Some sharp heart pain, or just above my heart is still not properly explained, it feels like I’m in a knife fight, like Trump planning his cabinet. But I’ve been told it’s not my heart. As for my Arthritis or  Arthur if I tried to do the Twist, ask your dad what the Twist was, then I’d rock the boat or rather my spine and I’d be screaming. The irony was that just before my unplanned quadruple heart bypass, I had a load of investigations for my Arthur and in the end a Chinese doctor at the hospital reckoned I may need a back operation.

Now why am I repeating all this? To let you know that I’m not just an airy fairy intellectual theorising about Pain, I know I’m still suffering from it. So I know in some small what way all these Drug addicts are going through. I also know from my own life experience, what a silly expression, life experience, if you excuse my French, I’ve had Shit on my life too. So I can bear witness to what these addicts are going through. And NO  I’ve never used any substances, I want to keep my Imagination alive. But I have seen Alcoholics at close hand, all our lodgers were alcoholics, one even begged for a pound for a pint from my dad when he was in hospital in his very sick bed.

The total sadness of the situation, sell their body or soul to get another fix of drugs. Pain of the Soul is more painful than physical pain, more painful than what has woken me up.  I know that oh so much from my own life, I am an observer too, so you can imagine.

I keep a record of how many painkillers I take because you can overdose so very easily. But if we imagine just how low people go, as shown on the BBC documentary last night, just for a fix that leads to oblivion and the death of the very soul itself.

Today on the BBC website we have an image of an all American Boy, who is now a drugs addict, all barriers have been blown down. It’s no longer the wrong side of the tracks people who are addicts, frankly it’s everybody. It could happen to you, yes you in your fancy suit reading this, you with you Gucci bag and you high fashion clothes and your expensive haircut.

It really is such a waste of lives and talent, these people these Souls are the lost generation, or even generations. Perhaps we don’t accept pain any more, we must have a Pill. Michael Jackson and Elizabeth Taylor his dear friend had addictions to pain killer. My mother used to keep her pain killers over the pantry door on a ledge, I can remember her screaming “JeeCus”  and then asking me to bring some to her, but otherwise she bore the pain, she bore so much pain you would never believe it.

From her I inherited Arthritis, and from my dad I got my Heart.  When I was having tests prior to my bypass I was in the bed next to where my dad had been 19 years previously, his bed had been removed to make space. So you could say History repeats itself. So what is to be done to help with this plague of addiction in the USA, 5% of the world’s population and they use 90% of the world’s drug supply?

I don’t have any answers Mr Trump says build a wall. How do you heal a soul, how do you encourage people to avoid drugs when they are so cheap?  I do know  in the 60s we were all inspired with Nasa going to the Moon, and the Music, now all we have is Simon Cowell. Now we are all cynical, how do return us to our lost Hippy Innocence, to the Monkees  and Beach Boys, the Man from Uncle and the original Star Trek times. There is not an easy answer, but I do know that broken spirits are the hardest to heal, but how many times do we forgive, 77 x 7,  and sometimes the answers are blowing in the wind. All we have to do is put our lips together and whistle, if we cannot pray we can at least whistle our favorite song, for the Lord is Music, and if we whistle he will pour his song into us.

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A day of Infamy

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far