Friday, 9 March 2018

Trump and Kim go for Fish and Chips

Well I did say months  ago that Kim and Trump should could come to Birmingham, so

maybe now

that they are going for a blind date they may indeed come to Birmingham.

WE have coloured chips.

WE have Druckers cake shop  and coffee place

just behind our Birmingham's Saint Phillips cathedral

We have the Swallow hotel where Bill Clinton stayed when  he was in town

We have a few other nice hotels too.

Please give up your toys Kim, because Trump really really really will nuke you if you do not.

China's squeeze on North Korea is kicking in now too.

So Kim, before the Revolution comes, you need to change or die, as simple as that really.

OR you can jointly share the Nobel Peace Prize with Trump

Birmingham has  a few golf courses too, so you could play around with Donald.

We have some very nice new apartments in The Jewelry Quarter too, so buy a few Kim.

Or you can buy my house from me, the site of my first 16 books, Sweet Sixteen is half done already.

You can boast you live in Michael Casey's the fat silver haired writer in shades former home.

So Kim, you know it makes sense, make Peace, make Love not War, buy property in Birmingham.

Then play golf with the Donald.

Or just be a Flash in the East as Donald vaporises you.

I know which I'd choose.

North Korea is a very beautiful land, and its people should all have full bellies and work for

Samsung. Then the Trumps will build hotels and golf courses galore in North Korea.

Come on Kim, be a Leader, put People first not Nuclear toys.

You only have a few months left. And if you are playing for time while you build worse weapons.

Then Beware. The clock has stopped ticking. Multiple Satellites are watching.

And to encourage you. I can give you all of my books free of charge to read.

Is that a big enough bribe Kim, to keep you and all of North Korea alive.

Flash of Inspiration or Nuclear Flash?

p.s. If you click the link to my other site I have a Korean Translation of one of my books

Still Alive 2015

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far