Monday, 19 March 2018

My last Positive Thought

 For History- my last post on Positive Thoughts where I practiced my words Sep 21, '09 5:23 PM
for everyone

My last post on
Saturday, June 20, 2009, 11:40 PM GMT [Wisdom to Share]

Well what can I say, only goodbye. I've practiced my writing here. Sometimes direct, sometimes via little stories. The world is an uncertain place. North Korea wants an excuse to zap everybody with their nuclear bomb, while their own people die starving. Iran fiddled the vote and priests who should know better turn the other way while police kill their fellow citizens.
Give peace a chance is all I can say.
Each of us in our daily lives can give peace a chance, even if its only by smiling, even if sometimes we want to scream, but a smile and a little prayer can do some good.
Saint Teresa's little way was the right way, I actually went to her shrine 25years ago.
Spreading a little laughter can build bridges, if I could sent Laughter to North Korea and to Iran by hitting the keyboard in front of me then I would.

Let my laughter ease your pain
Let my laughter stop your fear
Let my laughter break down the walls between us
Let my laugher make us friends
Let my laugher feed your people
Let my laugher make us grow together
Let my laugher bind us together like a steel cable
more and more intertwined more and more strengthen TOGETHER
Love conquers all is what my mother used to say
So let love end madness in North Korea and Iran
For Love is all we need as the Beatles sang.

my laughter lives on at

Thanks to ALL at Positive Thoughts for your friendship, Cheerio from Birmingham England

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far