Saturday, 3 March 2018

Things that make you smile

Things that make you Smile ©
Michael Casey

We all need things that make us smile, especially if we are in a very busy and hard working environment. My own life is siting here watching the world go by and writing a new story most days. It would be very easy to be full of self pity, I can’t go out and earn money as I don’t have any stamina any more. Arthritis and post quadruple heart bypass and CKd does that to you. So you have to accept your limitations and try and stay happy.

I stay happy by writing or rather by talking to you all. I look up from keyboard and see Mrs Candyfloss had pass by, she looks as if she has a Candyfloss stuck to her head hence her name. I have the dog lady and the dog man passing by, so they are company for me during my day at the keyboard, in between my trips to the toilet. Speaking of which my toilet paper review was rejected by a toilet paper supplier. I had used the song Oh Fatty Bum Bum and said their paper was average, I only did the review in the hope of winning a 50quid prize. But they rejected the review, I did do another review for another item and that was accepted, but I did not win any prize for that either. So this is the exciting life I lead.

Sometimes walking down the street the smell of cannabis hits you, and makes you want to puke. And the other day the smoker was on the other side of the street so strong was his Skunk. Even normal smoke makes me sick as I’m a life long non smoker. So you may be smiling now,laughing at my discomfort.

Listening to the News is a big thing for me, though Brexit which you know will end in tears really is boring now and I speak as a Political Junkie. Politics is my drug, heart medication is my other drug, it has to be or I’d be dead and you’d never hear or read any of my stuff again. Are you smiling now? Wishing I’d forget to take my meds and you would all be spared me talking to you.

When I listen to the news I remember Drop the Dead Donkey, a satire about the news, though reporters still play the same game inserting certain words, maybe for a bet as they report for the 8th time in a day the very same story. I suppose it stops them from getting bored. Some of the words used are just Corny, 4th year English puns, but maybe I am jealous they get to report, all I can do is Heckle my tv or Radio. Radio news is much better than tv news by the way.

Today Mrs More has more than enough on her plate as Roger Moore her much loved Manx poodle is possible lost alone on the moor, Dartmoor, never to be found, see she frowns as the latest news is announced. Such similar words and phrases are used by bored reporters, who should know better, but are auditioning for Drop the Dead Donkey or is it Fox News?

Miaow I hear you all say, but I have to amuse myself as well. Shep Smith though on Fox really was a favourite of mine. Though I have lost Fox now, not unless I hunt the Fox on Utube, and a fox down a tube is hard to find. Though having said that I did have 3 foxes in my own back garden a few months ago. Remember we have a big wood just up the road.

When its windy I can see women trying to keep their umbrellas from being blown away, why women use umbrellas I can never understand. What’s wrong with a big woolly hat? Or an anorak with a hood? Fashion. A girl will never use a hood. A beret worn at an angle is very fetching, very French. I bought my daughter a real French beret and its great on her.

Though I still smile as I think of Frank Spencer, in a comedy called Some Mothers Do Have Them, this was very physical comedy. Then years later the star went on to do Opera he stared in Phantom of the Opera, so when he does that we all wonder will he finish with the catchphrase from the comedy show, Oh Betty. You can all google this and you really will laugh out loud. And he did all his own stunts in this 70s show, Some Mothers Do Have Them.

There are many things that make us smile, like when you see a once hated boss who you should have punched. But now you just smile. Because he is no longer part of your life, he has no power over you. Its the Political equivalent of seeing a Politician with his trousers down by his ankles and showing his bare bum. Though some may say that that’s what Politics is all about. Trousers down and being an ass.

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

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