Wednesday, 7 March 2018

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AS there are so many pieces online I may  tidy up next week, so read all of them before the tidy up.

A big thank you to all the readers all over the world. You may all be cleaners in hotels using the hotel internet, or you could be billonaires. I'll never know, not unless you turn up on my doorstep bearing gifts, but I doubt it.

No arthritis, and no pains elsewhere would be the best gift, but I realise pain is my future,  at least I can carry on writing, one day Rupert Murdoch might discover me.

Winter may have finally  finished in Birmingham, so hopefully that'll be better for my bones.

Or maybe I just need more hot showers, instead of cold showers which means something else in English, so you can smile as you Google the meaning. Then the arthritis might stay away,

I may write an out and out comedy piece tomorrow, or Lech, Boris and Gregorgi might return with a tale, I never know until I literally start writing, that's what makes it more fun for me.

I've nearly reached 1,270,000 WORDS now, about 100 pages into Sweet Sixteen which will be my 16th book when I launch it in the Summer.

If I can write then anybody can, so have a go. And just in case you need help then

is where  you can read my rubbish and afterwards you'll say its easy and write your own masterpieces.

On last thought perhaps my readers in more countries are airline pilots, that's why the country list grows and changes.

Now say your prayers and go to bed its after Midnight.

Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far