Friday, 2 March 2018

Dubai and all that

Dubai and all that ©
Michael Casey

I just watched Piers Morgan’s 2009 Dubai documentary again, he is good at that kind of show, but otherwise he is like Marmite to me. Though we will never meet so I hope he is not offended, if ever we do meet he might say Michael I hate your stuff, and I’d probably cry. Or I might just kiss him passionately and we could end up in Jail in Dubai before being deported. Though as much as I like the idea of questioning his rampant Macho looks and vibe, by kissing him, just to ruin his image, it would be a joke too far. I have never kissed a man in my life, and that’s not a lie. If he were Korean and female then I might be tempted. But all this is so much hot air, my usual Prologue as Frankie Howard used to say.

Dubai looks fun and I would love a visit to the 7 star hotel, especially as I worked at CPNEC Birmingham for 3 years fetching and carrying and all manner of stuff. So to be on the receiving end would be very nice. Though highly unlikely, especially as my daily heart and pain medication might fall foul of the strict laws in Dubai. But God Bless them, you must respect the person whose House you are in. So I would not complain.

If I were lucky to visit Dubai I would try the full Arab dress, but then I’d go skiing at the indoor ski centre they have there. It looked so much fun in Dubai, otherwise the heat might be too much for a fat boy such as I. The images I saw did remind me of Shanghai, they love their shopping too, Dubai is a shoppers Paradise and it did remind me of Miami too. I was in Miami once so you could see the parallels.

So what could I do or say to get my free trip to Dubai? What can I offer or sell? If I were a horse could I sell myself that way, Arabs adore horses, though I am so large I’d not be a horse but an elephant. I could boast my dad was a blacksmith, which is true. But the only kind of Smith I am is Wordsmith, would Dubai people or Sheikhs be impressed by that?

Dubai has reinvented itself and in Piers’ documentary he explained the Future was not Oil but Tourism+. Now could Dubai start an English language school for the entire Arab world, and use me and my words  to help teach English. Does my humour writing work in Arab countries? It worked with fellow Muslims when I was an Esol teacher, but with Arabs? I don’t know. I’d have to work via wifi to Dubai with the occasional visit, or perhaps they come to Birmingham on field trips to practice their English.

Somehow I don’t see that happening either. There was one sentence that did strike me the most when Piers was talking to the guy who had bought Man City, the Sheikh said Family not Billions was the most important thing. Now if Dubai has that in its heart then it will always prosper. They say money sticks to money, but hearts sticking to hearts, and Dubai families sticking together, now that is the greatest treasure, worth more than all the grains of sands in Dubai even if they were diamonds. True diamonds are family love, in Dubai or anywhere else in the world. 
May God Bless all of Us. 

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Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far