Sunday, 18 March 2018

Hanging Out

Hanging Out ©
Michael Casey

I was wondering what to talk about today, but the news is so dire, so I’ll avoid that. Though it really does amaze me that Trump continues to despoil everything he touches, the Midas touch in Reverse. When will it all end? Where are the grown ups in the room? And Bolton joining the inner circle? Its like having your bus driver join the crew. Hopefully in the end it will sort itself out.

I spotted an English teacher in one of the newspapers while I was browsing or is it grazing through the papers. Should I add Learn English with Michael Casey to my list of sites? Maybe I will. I don’t claim to teach perfect English, I do claim that when I was an Esol English teacher I did entertain and teach my kids at the same time. I got Excellent, Excellent and Exemplary on my external assessment, and I had only ever taught for 8 weeks. But I had been writing for 20 years then and I had all my 3 years hotel experience. It’s just talking after all.

So we are just chilling in our house, the snow is all around outside, maybe 8 cm of snow all together. Part 2 of Putin’s revenge. If only he came to Birmingham I could prove to him we love everybody, we hate nobody, except the taxman, but that’s international and goes back 2000 years plus, if you remember your Bible. So Putin can we all get back to making love not war, and Russia can do what it does best,  reaching for the stars and space records.

The street looks pretty with all the snow all about, maybe I should bury myself in the snow to make myself more attractive. Having said that I should not say it because Lech, Boris and Gregorgi would jump at such a suggestion. Only the yellow snow would give away my position, as dogs again pee all over me. I had hoped the Trio would be nice to me after I shared the story about them and the Old People’s Home, but they have finished the vodka.

What else is happening today? Well I skied from our hill top to the Polish shop on the corner for their fresh buns. I did not actually ski, I just fell over and slide 100s of metre of my fat ass all the way to the Polish store. I was nearly hit by a bus and milk float, but pushed with my heels and avoided being turned into squash.

I need to pop out again for more paracetamol, as I’ve used up my box of 100, and I have to buy fizzy pop for my daughter. Yes I drink fizzy pop too, it was Christmas when I last had alcohol and maybe they’ll be more alcohol at Easter. Yes, that’s one reason Lech, Boris and Gregorgi laugh at me, I am a fizzy pop drinker, never had spirits in my life. They keep on burying me so their hounds get practice at hunting, they always steal one of my gloves when they bury me, and give my scent to the hounds. If they weren’t such good friends I would think they were just being cruel. But my mum knew their shared grandmother, and so the rest is History.

Just got chocolate with Santa on from the Polish shop plus some fizzy pop. The palms are on sale too for Palm Sunday, either that or they are fluffy dusters. A man was explaining to his friend how in Poland they have sword fencing fights with them, which sounds like great fun to me. The chocolate is working its magic and my sugar levels are rising, no I’m not diabetic, but chocolate is always welcomed.

I remember now what I did think of writing, I did think I could write a 10 minute piece for a Stand Up Comedian, well one did view my house yesterday so it would be a good exercise for me. You have the actual story then you have to add the kind of intro and asides that a comedian uses as part of his stage craft.

If you Google Frankie Howerd then you will discover more. Or if you Google Ronnie Corbett or even Joyce Grenfell you’ll discover more, even audio and video. I would say that when I read back some of my stories the style is a mixture of Corbett and Grenfell, maybe I am their bastard child. Its not deliberate its the osmosis of ideas over the decades. If you hang out with people you pick up their knowledge and mannerisms and sometimes even accent.

If you want to hear me then has me reading a few stories. There’s even a few videos on my Amazon profile in Uk/USA so you have been warned. The thing to remember is everything is first draft, or recorded in one take. I don’t have the intelligence to rewrite anything, nor the temperament to rerecord anything. It would be boring for me too, and for an extra 2% quality improvement why bother. I am not Jeffrey Archer, though he rewrites up to 13 times, and what has he achieved? £300,000,000 in the bank. But I’m not jealous, maybe one day he’ll send me a photocopy of his Monet.

Well I hope you have enjoyed hanging out with me this Sunday 18th March 2018, just pray for my Health and cross those fingers that we get that house on Tuesday. I need some tea now to rinse the Polish chocolate from my teeth. Then I’ll start Learn English with MichaelGCasey site on Blogger, to see if I can finally sell a few ebooks.
Other than that I need to put warm clothes on as Lech, Boris and Gregorgi said they might come around before the snow melts, and that can only mean one thing…

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far