Wednesday, 14 March 2018

A quick thank you 14 mar 2018

Its nice to see my readers worldwide reading my stuff. I still wish I had a spot in the media, your country included. Imagine my stuff in Ukrainian and Russian, not just you translating for your friends, or using Mr Google. I hope you liked tonight's piece Ken Dodd, Steve Hawking and Me. I do have a love for the surreal, it is my favourite word in fact. I did have a couple of surreal things happen on Monday night into Tuesday am, but I won't tempt Fate by mentioning them. Though it does further explain why my reality is so left of field, or rather the comedy it inspires.

Spring is coming though Winter may have one final spit at us, so I hope it improves everybody's mood the world over.

Its nice to see Indonesia and Canada dropping by  for a read and a coffee, the North and the South and the East and the West of planet earth. Look out for the Light show in tonight's atmosphere due to sun spots or something. You may just see Steve Hawking flying into the sky following ET to that spaceship, I heard he does not believe, but if you read tonight's piece you know Einstein and God have a nice surprise read for him.

So with that I'll say Good Night and don't led the bedbugs bite. And enjoy me and my new haircut.

14 mar 2018

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far