Monday, 8 January 2018

Value and Worth, What's Love got to do with it?

Value and Worth, What's Love got to do with it?
Michael Casey

Something happened today that got me thinking, and the wife shouting. Our daughter dropped something down the bathroom sink. If it went down the kitchen sink there is a Ubend to save it, but the bathroom sink, no chance. It was one of the wife’s old treasures. Now it had had a water slide down the waste pipe to the sewer. So you can imagine the conversation between my wife and my daughter. There is a very big stink going on.

Though as I talk to you I remember another tale of drains, and no not the cartoon Flushed Away which is a good watch, but the story about my mother. We had lodgers and the drains were blocked, so we asked a local plumber, 4 doors away, but he was too busy doing nothing. So my mother decided to unblock the drains herself. She lay on the yard with her arm down the drain as far as her armpit, or so it seemed. She managed to free the drain but discovered loads and loads of little plastic bags. What are all these little plastic bags she remonstrated, as any mother of six would. I just bit my lip to control my laughter and walked away. Later on dad, the father of six poured Jeyes Fluid all down her arm in plastic bowl in the kitchen sink. Jeyes Fluid is black and thick like a glue, the strongest of all disinfectants. I suppose love is pouring Jeyes Fluid down your wife’s arm, after she has unblocked your drains.

Which brings me to what I wanted to talk about the Value and Worth of something. Value is greater than Worth after all. Worth is just a price, which can vary, such as the price of a bar of soap. But Value is something much more important. That Jeyes Fluid for my mum and dad was priceless, can you imagine the diseases there are down a drain, and as for the little plastic bags, well I leave it to you imagination.

A house with 2 bathrooms or just a downstairs toilet is of great value. Because when you are old getting up the stairs frequently for the toilet could actually kill you, especially if you don’t have a chair lift. So cause of death would be heart attack brought on climbing the stairs 20 times a day for the toilet. And yes I am talking about myself.

There are many things in this life that we do not value, everything has to be monetised, till everything has a worth, but no value. So what price do you put on sunshine? Do you value it less because you live in Florida the sunshine state. Though now the USA is in the midst of a Snowathon event everybody remembers the real value of Sunshine. If crop yields are effected then we will all suffer and know the great value of sunshine. Because we have lost it.

We can lose other things and then only then know their value, your Virginity. Was he worth it, was she a let down? Is Sex just boring anyway, as in making you yarn. Personal relationships are most important in our lives, but we can forget that. We are all too busy, or pretend too busy on FB, the pretend, the fake life. Will you miss speaking, actually speaking to people. Will you value a natter in the newsagents, or gossiping with Gloria, or Bingo with Brian?

I told you once how we broke a pale pink wooden coat hanger, it was the only thing my mother was given by her mother when she left for England in 1944. How my mother cried, I cannot remember did she beat us with the broken halves, no of course she didn’t, though I’ve had and deserved corporal punishment 50 years ago. The value of 4 swipes of the slipper on my bum encouraged me to learn my times tables, and to this day I’m great at mental arithmetic. These are examples of how much things can be valued, and of how much value they are in our lives.

Now I read there is a new way of cremation, which does not value anything. Its water cremation, where under high pressure our bodies are destroyed. Then afterwards the waste water, this is us, is just flushed down the drain. If our body water was used to irrigate a flower garden, that would not be too bad in a way. But to Flush Away our water, our bodies, our lives, down the drain with lost things such as what my daughter lost accidentally today, to mix with sewage and maybe lots of small plastic bags seems to me the saddest of all worlds.

WE should value things and treasure them, some things are worth more than any pearls of great price, their value is Priceless, by which I mean WE The People, Body and Soul.

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