Saturday, 27 January 2018

Shakespeare you want more?

Shakespeare you want more? (c)

By Michael Casey

For some reason you all liked Shakespeare post, 3 to 1 compared to next favourite post at the moment.

I'll assume it's because you are all studying Shakespeare, not because I'm a wonderful writer.

40 years ago the top stream in my grammar school had the joys of English Literature.

We did Henry IV part I or was it 2, plus the book Over the Bridge by Richard Church.

Then it was murder, no Internet to help, Internet was not even invented nor PCs , 1975.

So here's a few ideas for you, the work you will have to do yourself.

I did do Shakespeare at the Open University in 1988/9 I seem to remember.

You can Google Open University in UK.

For English Lit, read the BOOK FIRST, before your teacher/tutor/mistress

 of any kind starts to teach you.

If its in a Foreign Language, then get the Translation and read that first.

So when lessons begin you have at least read the book once, three times would be even better.

Google the Film of the book and watch that too, a few times. For Macbeth in English I think the Jason Connery version is the best. Ask his dad 007 if you do not believe me. There is so much stuff on UTube so go hunt it out. Back in 1975 and in 1988/9 UTube did not exist. I did not even have a PC/ Internet in my home for a further 10 years. So now I do have it for 19 years, having a Shanghai wife brought the necessity of Internet home to me.

Can you ask a question?

When you come home late and your mum thinks you have been out drinking she will ask you 20 or 30 questions as she batters you, as you both Tango around the kitchen table.So Ask Google the same question in a variety of ways till you discover the best answers, then bookmark those pages.

Michael Casey, michaelgcasey, Mr Michael Casey, Mr Michael G Casey, the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham. All these will give slightly different answers as well as a lot that are the same. So Learn how to interrogate Google and then you'l find better answers. Exam Essays on Macbeth could be one search, Free Exam Essays on Macbeth could be another. Pretend to be a lawyer in court,  or your sister interrogating you about where her jar of money has gone. If you don't ask you don't find out. If you wanted to persuade a girl to bake you bread, how would you persuade her, what would you do? Flutter your eyelids at her?  Well go Flutter at Google.

Once you have all the answers then read them all. Then THINK. Then Write your own essays.

Yes its is as simple as that, and yes Teachers can spot and do use, CUT And PASTE spotting technology. And any cut and paste essays are an immediate fail.

I know in some cultures cheating is endemic, how do you expect us to pass if we do not cheat can be heard.



In short do the work. There are far too many fake degrees and fake people in the world.

And when all the exams are done, then go out and celebrate, you could buy all my books and read them for pleasure. Or just go down the pub instead.

p.s. I've discovered that THIEVES have posted some or parts of my books online. This is theft, IF I put my hand in your pocket and stole money to buy  a Stella Artois, this would be theft.
People should put their hands in their own pockets and BUY my books  and not steal them.
Then I can buy myself Stella Artois.

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A day of Infamy

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far