Sunday, 21 January 2018

Thank you for visiting just some of my readers this week.

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Well I hope eventually you all start to buy a few books they are only 2USD each
 but I'm glad you all stopped by. I hope you notice and like the writing style, much better than MSN writing style and others. I'd write for FB too, but I don't think I'd ever join it. Message in a Bottle is more my style, and no I'm not a drunk either. 12 pints a year is my ration. Writer  available, can somebody mention my name to Rupert Murdoch, though he probably knows me already. Trump rings Murdoch every morning to ask has he read my lastest piece. And if you believe in that  then you believe in Fairies. to which you should all reply, I  do, I do. Just  like in the film.

There are now 15 books on Amazon and what you are reading now will become Sweet 16, when I have 200 pages worth of material.

And yes I never know what I'm about to write as it makes it more interesting for me. I have lots of memories so I dip my pen in my memories and away I go. Then an hour later I have a story to share. It remains my copyright, just so all those thieves out there know. Support your fat  silver haired writer in shades and buy a book or all of them. Then I may finally move house, before the cemetery gets me. That's alll for tonight its almost Midnight, we saw 2 good films on tv tonight, you should watch Channel4 and Film4.

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A day of Infamy

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far