Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Positive and Negative Energy

Positive and Negative Energy ©
Michael Casey

There are some people you love and there are some people you hate, and there are even some you love to hate. Where I live I see some people who were part of my life, our paths cross and we smile and exchange a few words, even more than a decade afterwards. There are others you really should punch for all the rubbish they gave you, when you worked together. Sadly I did have a few people like that cross my life’s path. But luckily I have met and worked with a lot of good people. And for others they were lucky I was prepared to carry them while they sinned. Old fashioned word that, sinned.

So some people give you energy, there was a buzz when you worked together, you enjoyed each others’ company, even if it was you cleaning the bathroom while she cleaned the bedroom. Hello to Vicky in the Hacienda is she is reading this. On the other hand other people just drain you, they are either lazy or just so negative. So you are glad to avoid them, you’ll go outside and dig ditches just to escape them.

Form fillers are that kind of person, you must fill in part A then parts D and F and forget G, if you want pencils. The fact that the whole company will stop without pencils, as you are an art college, does not matter, forms are forms after all. This can be so soul destroying,I know I’ve met such people in my travels.

Sometimes it is the unexpected person that gives you the most lift. That bloke you met on the coach from Canterbury to Birmingham, he just listened and did not judge as you explained your complicated love life. You just had to talk to somebody and he had a kind face so he became your priest/hairdresser/lawyer for the ride. You were able to tell him everything and he just listened and talking it over really really helped you. He was asleep for 2 of the 7 hours of the coach journey but you felt so refreshed being able to unburden your soul, so you did not notice him snoozing. In fact by the end of the journey he could have become your next boyfriend, but for one fact, he was gay. But you did feel lifted.

Other people you meet can have the opposite effect. They are so sad that their sadness seeps into you, like a liquid spilled and rolling towards you, like spilling a coffee down your trousers. The problem with depressives is that they depress you so much that you have to shade off their sadness like shaking sand from your clothes when you’ve been on a beach. Only the negative person is forever saying that the waves are dangerous, and he or she does not like water nor the sea, because it is wet.

I’m using these examples to illustrate, I am generally the one that jollies things along, mainly through surreal ideas and methods. I am the listener on the coach, only I’m not gay, and nobody would ever think of me as new boyfriend material. Old Santa Claus material maybe. I am also the stoker, who throws the coal on the fire, who gets people talking, remember I spent 3 years Front of House at CPNEC Birmingham 16 years ago, I spoke to 100,000 people at least.

And on it goes, good times and sad times. The thing I have learnt in my own life is that you do need to prioritise. Get the rubbish out the way then you can all relax by the coffee machine in the middle of the night shift. You also need to know when you are banging your head against a brick wall, and when a situation is hurting you more than it is helping you. You just have to let it go, if you can’t alter a situation you have to drop it. Yes its hard to forget, and it is not fair, but finally Negative energy will kill you.

So walk away and start a new day, life is short. I know that so well as I’ve had 3 years extra time, and Cyrille Regis has just died having reached his full time. Me with my heart and other problems I know I can’t waste time on rubbish, so I’m motivated to enjoy what’s left of my life despite all the random pain, and you should do exactly the same.

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