Monday, 18 September 2017

Happy Memories

I've been uploading the entire family photo collection to Google Photos.

It does not cost anything and they are secured in all their glory.


If only Google folks bought some books too then I'd be even happier

As I write and post and then backoff as a book when I have 100 or so stories

I am NOT getting the sales I'd like.

1,166,931 undiscovered words if you like

I'd like to earn a few quid before I die, assuming North Korea does not kill us all,

 and have that bigger house we need.

Otherwise if Google can predict the lottery numbers for me

That's all for today

below is where I'd live IF I won the lottery, though as ever I'd be more
than happy just for my arthritis to go away.

Just had a thought could sonics be used to take away pain, I'm  no scientist but if sound can induce pain surely on a different frequency it could take away pain.


List of my books, written by me, Michael Casey
The fat silver haired writer in shades.

1.The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker
3.Essays and Plays
4.Blogs 2011
5.300 and Not OUT
6.Shorts 2013
7.More Shorts 2014
8.Quick Stories
9.Still Alive 2015
10.Undiscovered Words 2016
11.Still Smiling 2017
12.Altogether Now
13.New Horizons
14.14 Up

fill a kindle with my 1st 1,000,000 words thank you

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