Thursday, 17 August 2017

The Man from UNCLE

Guy Richie loved your film, if you need a fat guy to sit on a bench eating too much in  the background then I'm available should you ever film in exotic Birmingham.

I heard news of others'  health problems and I had some reassuring news of my own. All in all in made me humble.  Though I do wish the pain monster would stay away, but at least I'm here to bore you all. Praying for the |Sick does work, so do have a word with God before you go to sleep. Even if its help that poor bastard, that's if you exist God. That's prayer enough if you cannot do the whole hog, its the thought that counts. Pray for all the sick.  Am I turning into  Dave Allen?

I'll probably never be recognised as a writer in this life, my image as the fat guy in shades will be recognised, as I always add stupid photos of myself to my pieces. So you can mock me, as much as I do myself in the photos.  Though if you say bad things of my writing then I'll cry.

Hopefully I'll finish my Ballet story tomorrow. So watch this space. I just have to retrieve my women's shades from my GPs desk, I left them there today. They were only 10 quid from Boots, and when I misplaced  my nice ones they were a quick replacement. See photo below.

That's all I'll climb back on my horse tomorrow. Though something is tiring me out lately. It coul dbe all this talking to myself.

Please Donald Trump if you are one of my secret readers, just remember to be humble,and not have the last word.You are digging your own grave politically.  Though I think you may just resign before you  are pushed,  Mercy is something we do not deserve, it shows the strength of the person giving it.
Have a think about that Donald.

Otherwise my pharmacist, the legal kind, has a  great golf handicap. So why not give him free use of your golf courses. Me, the 19th hole would be enough.

That's all folks time for bed, as Zebedie might say.

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In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting

In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting I know you'd all prefer stories instead of the Political co...