Wednesday, 9 August 2017

The History Teacher

The History Teacher ©
Michael Casey

If my Life had gone another way I’d have been a History Teacher, I read The Outline of History by H.G.Wells when I was in Primary school 50 years ago, yes I am that old, but my mind is always 20, even if my body thanks to quadruple heart bypass and arthritis feels 95. Yes that sentence was too long, I’m not an English teacher, though I did do Esol. I have ended up as a writer, an undiscovered writer, a penniless writer. Having an online presence dos not give you money, please note this all you hackers and junk email people, all your efforts are deleted unopened. And I have no money to steal, and guess what  when and if I did have money 1/2 would go to the Birmingham Pain Relief Centre, and that is my promise.

I should also say that my dad used to watch the tv news and say something and then it would happen. Sometimes the same happens to me and my kids, or I write something then it happens. No me and my dad are not witches. We just watch too much tv news. Though dad is dead and gone a long time now. Dad would have been a teacher too but in 1920s/1930s Ireland you went to work at 14. Dad was a blacksmith, though 4 of his children did become teachers. And perhaps 2 of his grandchild will have Phds, be doctors of some sort.

Another of dad’s phrases was “He’ll have to be put down” and the North Korea dictator does come to mind. Please God it’s quick whatever happens. Perhaps the Dear Leader has a heart attack and dies. I’ve written it down now, so will it happen, or will Birmingham be added to the Hate List he has. All will be revealed in a matter of weeks now.

History teaches us that events happen or we stumble over events. The Japanese military once said America was a sleeping giant, and WWII proved this to be the case. Sadly for the world and North Korea, an irritating child can’t hide behind its screaming. In the end the parent will put it over its knee and pull its pants down and slap its bare arse. I remember this happening to me when I was 4 or 5 years old, over 50 years ago. In my case the crime was ringing Mrs Patrick’s  doorbell and running away, and then hiding in our pantry. Even though I was the golden child I was soon the sore red arsed spanked child.

So it will be with North Korea. This does nor bring me any pleasure, the people of North Korea live in a very beautiful land, and they should be equally prosperous as their Southern cousins. As my father said of Hitler’s Germany, they have the brains of the world but are led by a mad man. I remember my dad saying that maybe 40 years ago while we watched a tv History programme.

9/aug/2017 I repeat what my dad said, but it applies to North Korea and its Dear Leader. The brains of the world but led by a madman.

In History a spark leads to war, or appeasement is repeated then you have double the pain when appeasement was always the wrong path, and action is the only and last resort.

I pause there as I contemplate what might happen next. Historical revisionists claim USA was wrong to nuke Japan, but back then the choice was 5 more years of war or end it quicker. Today what are you going to do, led the cancer spread till it kills the host, the entire world? I have family in Shanghai and in USA, do I let a North Korean tyrant get stronger and bolder until he, the cancer is in charge of this body we call earth.

We can all pray for Peace, we can pray that an earthquake destroys all the North Korean evil toys. We might even pray that his mistress kills him in the night, sex as a weapon of war perhaps. Or all the cheese in his arteries gives him a heart attack. Or he could be allow to slip away to Russia in the night, leaving all the codes and locations on a note by his night stand, that’s if his night stand does not kill him first.

That’s the thing about History, it is a gripping drama that never ends, until God closes the book and we are all asked how did we spend our talents. Me all I can do is write. I scream in pain most nights as I cannot find a safe sleep position. If I had a North Korean mistress maybe the pain would be less. I know God has a sense of humour, he did make me after all. As he did make all of us, it’s up to us all to follow our own path, we have free will after all.

Sometimes though it is only in our darkest hours that God leads us to a safer harbour. We just have to be open. He’ll still be there after we nuke ourselves, but it would be far far better if this never happens, if my dream of a flash was just a dream. So men of courage in North Korea, throw down those chains and rise up and take charge of your our beautiful dear country.

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In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting

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