Monday, 28 August 2017

Steven Hawkins Film Brief History of Time and all that

Steven Hawkins Film Brief History of Time and all that (c)
Michael Casey

Well the film was very good and Eddie deserves his Oscar. I was deeply touched by the content and the use of Music. Hawkins is 10 years older than my eldest brother who went to Queens Oxford. My other brother went to Downing Cambridge, we have a photo of my brother trying to row on the Cam.

So the setting hit a chord, as did the handicap. I went to school with somebody who was "twisted" but improved a lot with physio, some of the lads were right bastards to him when we all first started at school. And yes he was very very clever too. I met him at a school reunion maybe 20 years ago.

So watching the film did bring him to mind. My own diseases and battles with pain also came to mind, and I realise I protest too much, but its not a competition as I don't believe in stiff upper lip and so on. If you are in pain you should scream. and I do mainly at night as lying down is my own minor crucifixion. No doubt the holier that though crowd will complain about my choice of language.

Having just written that sentence I've remembered a Peter O'Tool film,  The Ruling Class so find that and then complain about my use of words, its a 1972 film, I just googled it.   I just discovered its on Utube, judge for yourself.

Steven Hawkins is a tough bastard, and good luck to him and his "wife" and family, everybody deserves to be happy. What more can I say, I enjoyed the film but I could never live in a wheel chair and speak with an American accent. I won't make the obvious joke about American accents. As for space theory I know nothing. I do know one thing about disability, it's God's way of making us all consider the least of our brethren and in his way he's raising two fingers up at the uncaring masses, who barge past the least in society. Its such a pity the talent is wasted on him, its wasted on that man in a chair, or with whatever other disability there is.

No it is not, its to remind us all, to love and cherish each other in whatever package our spirit is gift wrapped in. I will never sell 10,000,000 books like Steven Hawkins, I may never even sell one, but I do have one thing in common with him. I never ever give up.

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