Monday, 7 August 2017

morning news

I was about to write something but my daughter came back with a friend so I stopped to chat and so on with her friend. He's an art student and a fellow choir member.

I'm trying to persuade him to do some cartoons for me, I did get him to paint my bathroom in the past.

I write cartoons made from words, if I could get somebody of his skill level to do some cartoons to go with my words maybe we'd be in business. I tease him by saying he could be my surrogate son. Anyways if he has time to do some cartoons I'll share them with you, if he consents.

I could discover a great cartoonist, or then again just write a story about me annoying him while we feed him in our house.

Thanks Poland as usual and Ukraine and everywhere else who are becoming regular readers.

 Science fiction  will be the next piece using a line from a story I wrote 50 years ago at primary school as a starting point. See writers don't waste anything.


an old and fatter picture

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In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting

In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting I know you'd all prefer stories instead of the Political co...