Saturday, 26 August 2017

Explaining Yourself

Explaining Yourself ©
Michael Casey

Believe it or not sometimes I am inarticulate, relatively speaking that is. I am much more fluid on paper than in real life. The process of writing refines my words so they are so much better than if I’m sitting on a garden wall gassing away, and sometimes I can be very gassy. You think 4 times faster than you speak, so if you are sharing your thoughts on paper then that ratio is 6 to one, or 8 to one, depending on your typing speed. So you can imagine if I’ve already got all the story in my head the putting on paper process is like being constipated, very frustrating. As I just want to download it all in a second. Jackson Pollock school of writing, and yes I never rewrite, I am not clever enough to do that, so that is my curse. If you like I am Caesar  What is Writ is Writ.

So if I am sat on the garden wall:- preaching, boring, annoying, gassing or whatever you may decide to call a visitation with Michael, sometime my explanations are lost in my babel. I really do hate trying to explain a story, you lose the spirit of the story by explaining it. As I’ve said elsewhere Eric Morcambe used to say if it works it works. Do not analyse it. So having a writer on a show explaining everything ruins it.I just want to eat the cake, I don’t care which field the wheat came from, over analysis ,like English Literature KILLS LOVE OF WORDS.

I think its enough to get the writer to read his stuff, and let the bores to bitch about it. It should just be a reading, no explanations required, just as no jacket was required by Phil Collins. I was trying to explain something to a friend today and I knew I was stumbling by trying to explain it. It’s like showing a trailer for a new film, so you in effect ruin the film before the fan sees the film at the cinema. So I just said go to michaelgcasey on Google, then hit my Blogger link and it’s under the butcherbakerundertaker and its posted there. In today’s case I was talking about Giving Advice. So I was giving advice about finding the post giving advice, so that I could give advice, otherwise I was ruining my advice about giving advice.

Tongue twisters like I’ve just given are fun for the writer, but they serve a purpose, as well as showing off. They make you smile and they make you laugh, and I hope think. If I get you to think, then you’ll have more sympathy for the writer. He’s not just a boring old fart, or a burnt out has been as I was called many a year ago. This was before my heart and arthritis problems came to the fore. If you know that the words are not all made up, he has experienced a bit of life, there is pathos and pain behind his armour of stupidity and the veneer of being a male model, well in my imagination anyway.

So I’ve poked my head out of my shell and shown you too much, like the tortoise who stretched too far and got bit by the cat. Which could be a metaphor for anything you like, or dislike. It’s easier to speak this way in a missive as it has more structure and form, like my body-builder’s body, I must give it back to him, he wants it returned for the Bank Holiday. Yes an obvious radio 4 joke, but Nick Robinson can’t use all the best jokes with Alec on their holidays together to the Vatican. Where else do politicos go?

I’ve given you an inkling into my mind and the land-mines which are my words, another cartoon made from words, I hope that the joy my words bring me is shared by your ears. If you want joy to any other parts of your body then it is a Friday night so go ask your lover. I have to go to bed now, so you should do the same while your lover is still in the mood, I’ve warmed up the ears for you, the rest is up to the two of you. Have a good night, I hope!   

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In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting

In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting I know you'd all prefer stories instead of the Political co...