Stock Market is more than Bitcoins

Stock Market is more than Bitcoins(c)

by Michael Casey

Bitcoins are Fantasy money, used by Criminals

Trump rather likes them

Stocks have gone up forever

But everything even Trump cannot defy Gravity forever

The Stock Market has been too high for years

Too many substances smoked maybe

OR AI controlled Trades

What has changed in just one day?

Tech heavy Stock Market was obviously a Bubble

A load of Hot Air, which reminds me of Trump again

Do we still need what we need?

Do we still have what we need?

What has happened

Billionaires lost on PAPER

A stock is a BET, a GAMBLE

That this Stock is worth having, because of what it is selling

If it has NOTHING TO SELL, then it’s just a hoax

Its like buying a gift box for 10 dollars at county fair

And hoping you’ll have something really nice inside

Same as my brother 50 years ago here in Birmingham. England

The hawker after revealing one good box, sold many

it was 50p I remember, you can have your money back the hawker boasted

Before collecting all the 50pences from the crowd

My brother asked for his 50p back

Then the crowd all opened their 50p boxes, inside a plastic toy worth 10p

so they had paid 5 times over the odds

Because their own GREED, or LOVE of MONEY had conned them


The Stock Market was always due for a Correction

Is the Country suddenly sick because of one day’s Trading


People should invest more in REAL THINGS

Tech Stock are always a bubble

Billionaires lose money on PAPER

If you have invested in TRUTH SOCIAL

Where are its figures, what does it own

Or is it all a bubble of. HOT AIR

NEVER believe in HOT AIR, believe in Fundamentals

And if somebody has multiple convictions

Should you believe in. him?

Or reach for the Stars, and not be treated like a Slave

Because you are are treated like a Person, not a Stock

that can be bought and sold

But treated like a Person

Not ignored by an Emperor who really is naked

without any clothes

Nor any Faith, Hope, or. Charity

just full of hot air