Thursday, 15 August 2024

Head Spinning

Head Spinning

Tinnitus winning

I afraid to leave the house

unless I fall over

the noise is so bad in my head

I need a shave and a haircut

so I may do one, but not the other

the noise makes my head bow till my chin hits my chest

no, I'm not making this up

headache too

bet you are glad you are not me


when the weather changes

and the solar storms end

I'll have less Barometric pressure in my head

Hope you all got what you wanted in A levels

and off to University you go

my smallest is trying to sort out her 3rd year accommodation

as I  speak, so cross those fingers

me I went to work

and ended up in computers

back in 1978

yes 46 years ago

this was me, we had two 9 tracks, and one 7 track and a card reader

disc drives were as big as washing machines and vibrated too

and the forefinger on my right hand is slightly  bend inwards 

because I used to screw the tapes on hard

so I still have a strong grip

and I have quick hand reactions

so if ever I need to slap somebody

it will hurt

21 years Market Research into alcohol sales, StatsMR morphed into ACNielsen

So that's what paid for my house

and in 1987 I started to write

by Leap Years Day 1988, 29288

I was qualified but 20 years of BBC Radio 4  constant listening before that

that's why at the end of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker by Michael Casey. , me

29288. was an emergency call by old Michael the taxi driver

so now you know

I need pain killer neem on my left shoulder now

so that's all folks

and yes Pray for Peace

If Putin had the noise in my head, he'd soon STOP

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Pres Z would step down for Peace

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far