Saturday, 31 August 2024

And yes, as USA has woken up, time zones and all that

And yes, as USA has woken up, time zones and all that

HELLO to you all

Glad to see the surge

maybe one day some of you will buy a book on Amazon

ALL is the best value

Now The Bad Cat that Wasn't is probably you'll all share with your kids

I would like to write a few children's books too

Add a few drawings, so I'd need an artist as well as the Speed Typist

Then I make loads of money

and give to my own children

they are an expensive hobby

In Korea and japan children's books cn be high art, high end stuff

Lemony Snicket is my style, no I haven't copied anybody

that's the way it comes out

You could write children's books with Trump as a naughty schoolboy

in short pants, like the Just William books from 60 years ago

I have a vague memory of reading them

Check the Facts

 Check the Facts

watch Legal AF on Midas Touch Network on UTUBE as well

not just FOX not just CNN

Try BBC in USA

Check the Facts

Potterville was lastest place for TRUMP to visit




there was video from a Local TV Network


Ivanka made MILLIONS of JOBS

another LIE

Check the Facts, cross reference

Don't believe what a FAT FARTY Grandfather says

Check it OUT

Today one of his CROWD attacked the Media at his own Rally

Incitement is a normal Trump Play Book

As is waving to crowds, that are not there

Or waving from behind and claiming they had come to see him

Like standing outside Taylor Swift Concert

Saying the have come for me

Obvious a LIE


a career criminal 

And you want him back as President

TOP SECRETS kept in a bathroom by a Toilet

and it goes on and ON


would you trust him with the keys to your car/house

He is all FRONT, no substance

a cardboard cutout which will blow over

Believe what he did NOT what he says

and you should never make the same MISTAKE again

send Trump to to Sanitarium

Friday, 30 August 2024

Michaeling a tattoo on. the doorstep

Michaeling a tattoo on. the doorstep

I gave him an apple as well

see if he can explain that

to his family

I don't know what that means either

I'm not a musician with a computer

BUT a Tattoo is a Scots song

like Donald where's your trousers

Tic Toc from Birmingham

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11 nations reading today, plus Brunei on wordpress

 So 12 of you, have you got nothing better to do? Thank you My head is exploding and I've slapped on neem on my arthritis shoulder and M...