Friday, 1 December 2023

you can start saying Merry Christmas now

you can start saying Merry Christmas now

though the amount of Tinnitus induced terror I'm having

is beyond belief

believe it

University holidays beckon, so my small one will be home

while the other one who knows the future?

Koreans are reading more again

Singapore has read everything

but I'd still like EVERYBODY to carry on

I continue annoying the Russians

so holy Putin has icons besides him

500,000 dead Russian boys are not enough for him

So I'm hoping for a Xmas miracle and 

Greed is replaced by Humanity

and Putin is gone

or maybe he'll send me Salisbury Perfume

I won't fall out a window as I live in a basement

Trump is another threat to mankind

Nobody in UK would accept him

He'd be laughed out of town

But Trump may have Cancer

judging by all the weight loss and haggard look

Or maybe Trump does not like Orange jumpsuits

Orange is just for his makeup

Free speech does not give you the right

to intimidate and bully

But Trump thinks it does

and he can do anything because he is a liar and a bully

And USA Media is giving him a free ride

they MUST constantly interrupt him

That's a LIE, That's another LIE, yet another Lie

Only let him say true things, proven things

60 mins of Lies

otherwise Democracy dies

and it is on Life Support in USA

as Brown Nosing to Trump has destroyed the GOP

Hopefully a Judge will Jail him for a week 

For Contempt 

He can get a taste of Reality

and then SHUT UP

but he won't

so that's one reason I pray

 He's as much a Christian as Putin

neither loves their neighbour

finally the cold weather

triggers my tinnitus

so it physically hurts

and the noise drives you insane

and no that does not  explain my writing

Go to the Top of the Class

and Jump

a 50 year old joke

end for today

by the way

a very funny Taiwan film

about a gay ghost and a cop

Marry My Dead Body

and watch in Chinese with subtitles

never watch the dubbed English of anything

latest photo shaved and bathed 29 nov 2023

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Korean translation of Johnny No Friends

  Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far