Saturday, 30 December 2023

What did I do in 2023?

What did I do in 2023

I suffered terribly from Tinnitus

Had my head examined literally

Had a few sessions in hospital

Convulsing and being Triggered by noise

Met few nice doctors on the way

Top of their trees

BUT there is no cure for Tinnitus

I do bore you all about it

But it is my own personal Stalker and Mugger

I discovered the Rosary as a side effect

what can you do if you cannot sleep

Rosary is one thing

as my mum is right

you do sleep after a Rosary

2 hours up in the middle of the night

Just me and our cat Totoro

then as she goes out looking for Hot Tin Rooves

I go back to bed again

I have discovered Blackout and warm curtains

A nice pattern lifts the bedroom too

Yes you are thinking other things too

I discovered Amazon Music Unlimited

4 months free trial, now I have signed up

Harry Styles is singing Good Girl

maybe a bad girl makes him sleep

I don't think he has Tinnitus, yet

I have written a few more stories

But mainly you get pages like this nowadays

As I only have so many minutes of Quality Non Tinnitus Time

but there is tons online to read

Millions of words

Singapore was amazing this year

They may be friends of my university student daughter

my bigger daughter graduated in Bio-Chem

Missed the Graduation, as the PAIN and NOISE can descend suddenly

so my brother and sister went instead of me, and graciously paid for the Meal

Have some great photos, but am avoiding Stalkers after them

so nothing to show

They dressed as Wednesday and a Fairy for Halloween by the way

and walked down the road together, so funny

But again, not sharing those photos

I look like a bad santa myself and need a haircut badly, so that's on my list

our cat was very sick and cost a fortune at the vets

but she is the fluffiest cat ever

she drinks Comfort Fabric Conditioner and has a spin in the Tumble Drier

she just off the window just then and walked under my chair as I'm sat here

This year I lost a stone, but put it back again, now I've lost 1/2 a stone again

Its just the bread I eat in the middle of the tinnitus  night I have with the cat

now 1 am 19,5 stones or 124kilos

so IF I need to slap you, it will hurt

I stood naked with the light on, as I weighed myself

My neighbours may have seen my baubles in the light of my silvery mooning

What else, my search results on my phone appear in French and English

I can bavarde a bit but its a struggle for me all the French

my daughter IS doing it at University with Anthropology and the Pole dancing for exercise

I don't know why my phone went French

I do annoy Russia still,  daily

A Revolution is the only Answer in Russia

so I'm trying to start one from my Tinnitus bed

Are Russians so corrupt, or lazy?

AND USA Trump morons

USA is so corrupt too, GOP will answer to History

and it's slam dunk no Brainer about Immunity, NO

and Clarence and the favours

and his wife too a ELECTION RESULT DENIER

he should resign



TRUMP has a get out of Jail card now

Nikki Haley said she's Pardon him


I do have a feeling what the outcome will be

I'll tell you when/if I am proved right

its so many half statements

nobody is honest enough to say the Truth

afraid of the BASE

and it is base

Quality is non existent 

Will Pence say, I fled for my LIFE, Trump is as mad as a hatter

He had sheep dogs controlling him all through his Presidency

Meanwhile Ukraine is fighting for Survival and GOP is playing Games

Little Wonder I pray the Rosary

If I were God maybe I'd walk away crying

So ask is Mum Mary to save our Planet, our Home

That's the end for 2023

and maybe me too, the Pain/NOISE levels have been terrible, random, and unpredictable this year

A shave and a haircut may make a difference

even a Fox died in our street yesterday

IF FOX in USA had died instead, 

maybe USA would have been in a much better place

Discuss, 4000 words by Monday

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Korean translation of Johnny No Friends

  Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far