Sunday, 10 December 2023

waiting for xmas fairies to arrive

<iframe width="750" height="422" src="" title="&quot;The first Nativity scene.&quot; Christmas 2023" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

– December 08, 2023 

waiting for xmas fairies to arrive

i had a bath in her honour

shaved the other day

 my small daughter should be back home

and she will decorate the xmas tree

which is beside me as I talk to you all

it's her job decorating the tree

a new tradition since we moved here

and then the atmosphere will be right

so long as I don't fart tonight

Bury black pudding is nice

i may just fart anyway

saves on the central heating bill

and by the way these new central heating boilers

they do NOT work

ask a heating engineer, I did

and who wants a monstrosity filling the garden

visual litter

just like all the dustbins

when I grew up bins were metal

and hidden away

never plastic and on display

Harry Styles is singing to me

he's such a nice boy

I could carry on like Larry Grayson

but I'll just stop for the day and go and watch


My Demon Tango Dance Fight was one of

The Best and Funniest things I've seen in Kdrama ever

and I've watched a ton

The boy is perfect if' you like looking at boys

and the girl is even more perfect if you like looking at girls

but together really really funny

Kdramas are a Soap opera with James Bond style 

production values

Go on try one

and try all the foreign material on tv

Maybe it's me doing Anthropology

not just my small daughter on the way home

for Christmas

and I Hate Christmas

an Italian show has a 2nd series this Christmas

So go Watch it, both series

and finally Who Invented the Christmas crib

Saint Francis of Assisi

800 years ago

see video

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Korean translation of Johnny No Friends

  Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far