Thursday, 14 December 2023

Today is a pain day 14th Dec

Today is a pain day 14th Dec

If I awake in the night and the Tinnitus is too much

I'll try and stop being bullied by it, and being a victim in my bed

By getting up and having toast and tea 

at 4 or 5 or 6 am

Then Totoro goes out for an early morning run

while I say the Rosary

no I'm far from Holy but it tires you

and then you can go back to bed and sleep again

Till I wake 2 hours later and Tinnitus is screaming in my head

So finally I get up again

and now back of my head feels like a cricket bat hit me

and Tinnitus forces my head down to my chin

No fun at all

Yet yesterday if you had a snapshot of me at the GPs

you'd say he's a funny fellow

in all senses

But right now as I sit here at my desk

I'm a mess

yes I can talk to you

but I wouldn't

 be able to write a story

as the noise and pain is so distracting

My small daughter had an online lesson

as the French University finishes a week after

her Anthropology one

she is actually at 2 Universities

and as she finished happily

as I was saying a Peasants 6 decade Rosary

I got one by accident

and I discovered Saint  Bernadette had one at Lourdes

So maybe its a sign

as small daughter just revealed

Dad, I could do a MA, a Masters afterwards

In French stuff, so Grace a Bernadette no doubt

so can you send a sponsor Bernadette at to help

pay for it

my niece by the way has a Double First, no not a drink

but in English and then not one but two Masters

and I think she's now doing another qualification too

Yes that's my Family for you

Her brother my nephew did a BioChem degree

and is now doing Medicine

And all have a Blacksmith who left school at 14 Grandpa

on the Irish side

Me I'm full of paper, no not qualifications

Just carrying boxes of paper in Computer and Print rooms

Though the 20 books I've written would take a lot of paper too

Random is my Life and Pain is part of it

So anyway, I told small daughter to carry on if she wants to

As she'll be working till 70

and be aware everybody Pension probably won't exist by then

So Save as you go along


if you enjoy what you are doing 


you never feel you are working

The most tiring and physical job I did 

was CPNEC hotel

but I really enjoyed it the most of all

oh it may be a secret what small daughter

is musing about so tell nobody yet

she's still in 2nd year

Her University though does  sponsor 

The Pole Dancing she does too

for exercise

as other sports were jammed out

but it won't be on her cerificate

When she does get her degree

my brother if he's free will stand in for me again

as my Health and Pain can suddenly appear

so I missed my big daughter's graduation

as bent double in pain, or noise in my head

is too much for me to chance anywhere

 yes it's that bad and worse when it kicks off

Yesterday I stunk of NEEM pain killer at my GPs

So I have a Window to do things

This is my life

These Ramblings don't appear in my books either

Just Story(c) by Michael Casey

1000s of them, Millions of Words

Yet again a big thanks to Jeff Bezo and Amazon Music Unlimited

as Music is my saviour 

I'll stop now

And before I forget

People who never went to University or never did A Levels

Can still be More Intelligent that folks with lots of letter behind their names

Intelligence is Speed of Thought


10,000 words by Xmas Eve

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Korean translation of Johnny No Friends

  Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far