Saturday, 2 December 2023

Hello OTHERS reading ME

Hello OTHERS reading ME

It does not reveal where you are from on. my graph

You may be Russians afraid that Putin will Jail you for reading me

Or stuck somewhere reading me, undercover somewhere

I hope you are all entertained

and if you are Russians I hope you gather u enough courage

to remove PUTIN

He is not God, and surrounding himself with Gazprom built Churches

will not save his soul, as he does not Love his Neighbour

Neither does Trump, but a Americans are just moody teenagers

I have an itchy palm so I may chance the hill and get a lottery

Student daughters need money

and I'd love to leave them a House and a car and a dog Each

if you all actually bought books

and Jeff Bezo turned my shorts into films

then I could do that

but realistically like I said in the past

this is probably my last decade


I'd love to meet that typist and have 4 sons

and name them  after the Evangelists 

what else does a write call his kids

but I know its a bucket list more than a reality

or possibility 

But as somebody said Nothing is Impossible to God

yes padre pio said it, and due to my Tinnitus

I've been through Rosary Boot camp

what else

what is the best way to be introduced to Football

Going to see England women at  Wembley

Sit behind the Goal and watch them beat Holland

my daughter and her University friends were there 

last night

and it cost only 10 quid

I don't know if that was student price

10 quid and 5 goals

So check it out next time the team play

Theatre and Ballet is so expensive

Try ballet at least once

read my story Birmingham is Ballet  

Opera may be available too for students

So  give it a try

I sing along to my Amazon Music Unlimited

with my Tribit speaker

so pitch my neighbours

I'm sure  I overheard them say I should sing


or were they saying something about

what they would do to the cat?

It's all kittens to me

I've annoyed you enough for today

but Korean readers wherever you are

Thanks for downloading so many

copies of Quick Stories in Korean

and I just hope stupid people realise

the Quick does not refer to something else

Its Quick Stories for BUSY people

nothing else, just my usual rubbish

here ends today's message in a bottle

pray for my Health

or don't bother if you've had enough of my rubbish

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Korean translation of Johnny No Friends

  Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far