Tuesday, 31 October 2023

All Hallow's Eve

All Hallow's Eve 

my small one is on the way back to University

I'm left in charge of the washing machine

Me and Simon and Garfunkle

I'm on my 3rd gismo for Plug and Play Wifi

One. had strength but no coverage

Two had coverage but no strength

Three the password does not work

so is unusable

So should I give up and pay 48 a month

when a new customer would pay HALF that

So I may try a forth once I send back  no 3

Its like the Abbot and Costello routine

Who's on Four

If you have a very long memory

or are a film buff

pardon me while I unload

the washing machine

now my hernia is hurting me

Simon and Garfunkel are singing

when tears are in your eyes

Bridge over Troubled Water

I need plenty of Holy Water

this All Hallows Eve

so to many I'm just a wimp


but you try walking in my shoes, as Depeche Mode sing

and you will soon change your tune

And yes Trump will be sent to a LockUp for a Weekend

When will AMERICANS stop believing his LIES

or will they continue to be Children impressed by Circus

Discuss ,  5000 words by tomorrow

or draw a cartoon

I can remember being an Altar Boy and the November Masses

and Summerfield Park Fire works

and 2 kids I were at school with were accused of stealing one

the ones used in public displays

though compared to what ordinary citizens in Shanghai have 

for Chinese New Year, all pretty tame

This time of year brings many memories back

Fireworks and Fun

and yes I really did hold one and had it lit in my hand

I was that stupid, I still have a hand

and the Persuader was one of the accused of stealing fire works

and may he Rest in Peace, cheeky boy

But I'll leave that memory and thank God I lost no fingers


such as Electing TRUMP and believing the BS

so learn from your mistakes

a Fool repeats mistakes and never learns from them

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