Wednesday, 1 November 2023

All Saints Day 2023

All Saints Day 2023

I hate the phrase I'm a sinner

but obviously I am one

However I prefer to say I am a Practicing

Believer, you can enter what your own Faith is

catholic with a small c , but a Capital Altruist

is how I'd call myself

Help others as much you can

a smile can save a life

so try smiling

a kind word too can save a life

so try being kind

Wokery and Virtue signalling is boring

Do something

Be a worker in the field

Bring Clean Water

Fix something

or donate a few coins regularly

one less pint at the weekend

one less kebab which you'd puke up anyway

a little bit here, a little bit there

is worth far more than all the anger

turn your anger into love

donate a bit, and do it quietly

and if you have nothing

you still have the greatest gift of all


Pray, Hope and don't Worry as Padre Pio used to say

Obviously when you are stuck at home

with too many infirmities it's easy to say

I'm worthless,  I'm useless what can I do

You can Pray and you can start a Revolution of Love

just with words from keyboard as a weapon 

I should go on and give more examples

But maybe I'm a bad example myself

However If you know what is Bad

then you can avoid it

So you can learn from anything

even if it is don't be like that

Be the opposite

Be a Light, be a Love

I chose to try, every time I fail

I get up again, and try again

The Rosary is a circle because it is never ending

So keep on following a circle of faith

whatever faith you have

because with Love

you can move mountains

Love and  acts of Charity

then one day when we are dust

we can join the Saints in Heaven

as part of All Saints Day

I may look like a Gorilla, but I am also Sancho Panza too, 

a fat silver haired writer from Birmingham

the original one, the one in Birmingham ENGLAND

and I should add a SOB too

a Son of a Blacksmith from Kerry Ireland

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