Saturday 14 October 2023

Let there be light/ let my tears be my words

Let There Be Light ©

By Michael Casey

Let my tears be my words

Let the candle light be my eyes

Let the flowers in bloom be my lips

Let their scent be my blood

Let the wind be my breath

Let clouds be my mood

Let children’s laughter be my hope

Let widows’ sighs be my conscience

Let a stranger’s prayers be my delight

Let the bees be my wisdom

Let the trees be my strength

Let my patience reach to the stars

Let me be always remembered in your prayers

(at least my poetry is good, let’s Hope Fatima rescues our world soon)

Our Lady of Fatima its time. to save the world please Pray the Rosary everybody that sees this plea, end war and famine too

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Pentecost, somebody was just reading this, in Italy maybe?

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