Sunday, 7 October 2018

Question Time

Question Time   is a debate show on the BBC the host is from the "Kennedy" family of tv journalists if you like. The show has been on for ages
Now they want to replace him
Loads of the top reporters want the job
It is the Premier Debate and Influencer programme  on tv,

I think its past its sell by date like Boris Johnson
so tomorrow if I can keep the pain at bay I'll write a comedy piece about it.

PLEASE  Journalists People love Bread and Circuses but to think people care about that one programme. would be like saying The Pledge on Sky was riveting, the thing I prefer is the BBC show where knowledgeable journalists from all over the world talk about world events.

Anyway tomorrow Question Time will be my target.
and yes I know you'll all wait with baited breath for that.
If ever you believe your own publicity then you are dead, ask any politician. Events move on, and you are left behind.
Shakespeare and Dickens live on, but I don't expect Michael Casey to be remembered, so journalists and and TV programmers to expect a decades old show to have relevance and influence today, I think you are Trumpian in your own self belief and worth.
Apart from that I do love BBC news people, but this show will be a good target tomorrow, if I'm not too busy sorting out my broadband. Now that I've told you what my next target is you might be disappointed with my performance, like Theresa May's dancing, or Boris's performances of all kind.

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My Day Out at the QE Birmingham, with my Market research evaluation

 My Day Out to the QE so they could take the pee from me, literally and blood as well with BP and weight on a scales clothed I was 119.7kilo...