Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Streisand and Celine

Streisand and Celine are singing so its a wave of emotion and diva tsunami of sounds, and yes I do like them. They enunciate so well as well. I'm just having a muse and a lazy afternoon. My computer went down yesterday so Windows 10 is restored now, thankfully I do take security seriously.

I'm wondering what should I talk about today, I did spot a girl walking in the street and as she passed just by her demeanour I had an idea. Just by looking. I had a lady dressed in hospital blues just knock on the door.

She spoke like a Pole, but she said she was Dutch.

Turns out she was a fire an brimstone lady handing out leaflets in multi lingual format.

So obviously I told her to go google me.

I took her pen and wrote michaelgcasey all over her leaflet
She was not pleased, you're writing all over my message she replied.

I'm going to throw it away I told her.

Leafleting is 3% effective, but maybe she does not know that. I was told this 30 years ago when I worked for a market research company.

As she left disgusted I told her, God is for Everybody. You  don't have a Monopoly.

She went away looking disgusted.

And that's my message for today, maybe more later.

Music is Joy and for everybody just like Streisand and Celine.

Or if you can't find them you can always read my rubbish instead, it too is for EVERYBODY.

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5190 post. Secret Service is it you?

 Secret Service is it you? USA reading me a lot is it you guys in the parking lot forever waiting for the clowns to turn up the ungrateful u...