Tuesday, 11 September 2018

State of Play 11 sept 2018

State of Play 11 sept 2018

Well Summer has gone, the kids have gone back to school and I am all alone in the house, just with my donkey  for company. Justin Timberlake has dropped by to do the weeding in the garden for me, he’s such a nice boy. We sing all his songs together as I sit drinking lemonade while he pulls weeds. I have in fact got access to loads of more music, like Spotify but no  ads, so I’ve very happy about that. No doubt word association and influences from all the new music will wash through my mind. 500 hours worth of music so far. More modern music will dance past my tinnitus to sooth and move me. A  248 pound or so dancer, or should I say private dancer, as Tina might say.
As ever Trump blunders forward, so forgive me if my pieces on Trump bore you, his boorish behavior is beyond the pale. The Office of President should be respected so they say. But if the office holder is a jerk, pardon me for not respecting the office, as he clearly does not. Life is a two way street.
I have to go and get salad cream for my daughter, once Justin has finished the weeding, he’d be so much quicker if he stopped using the hoe as a microphone stand. He’ll never be as good as Freddie Mercury, he started  to cry when I told him this, but I gave him some Shepherd’s Pie and he soon cheered up. Which reminds me Justin has to wash our dog Fido once he’s finished his Shepherd’s Pie, yes I share the Shepherd’s Pie with Fido, he’s such a good dog. Fido didn’t finish his pie, that’s how I had some left for Justin, waste not want not. I just trimmed the bite marks off and gave Justin Fido’s left overs.
Well I’ll finish for now, I may write a new none Trump piece later…

Here’s some Translations for all you Linguists out there.
I remain as ever an impecunious writer, Michael Casey
BBUMar2008.en.zh-CN (1)BBU in HebrewBBU in Arabic300 وBBU Russian Translation microsoft wordBBU GermanBBU in KOREANBBU French50 Spanish ExamplesKOREAN TRANSLATION Still Alive 2015The Polish Translations아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015Spanish BBU아직도 살아있는 2015

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