Monday, 10 September 2018


well I'm glad to say our wifi is back, in our house so much going on , we need the wifi, I'm sure even Totoro our cat has her own device. been in pain for a few days and then hurt myself again today. I cannot sling things around like I use to in my print room and hotel days. the slit up my chest with my pirate scar has put paid to that. So I do what I can do, and so should all of you. Kids are starting school everywhere, so make sure you encourage them with Love, so long as they do their best the result will always be their best. no matter what the examiner or grade says. As my own dad said "I have no education, I cannot tell you which subjects to pick, just do what you like but do your best" Actually dad was very clever, not just a Blacksmith and steelworker. And as you know Oxford and Cambridge opened their doors for my brothers. I'm just the fat guy who writes, 1,360,000 words so far, 10th Sept 2018.

I have to eat now, as ever and maybe take a pain killer too, if my man boobs get any bigger maybe I'll join Stormy Daniels and make a film.

just in case you forgot too many pain killers give you man boobs.

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