The Power of Words, The Power of Prayer ©
Michael Casey
I hope that does not sound too pretentious, or as the saying goes, pretentious moi? It’s been a funny old day, I had to get up due to the chest pain that had descended, so as every I went on the computer to distract myself. I spotted something and as it hit a nerve I sent an email to the writer, whether he hates me or sees my point is too early to say. But the issue involves Prayer, so I was then using the Power of my words to try and make my point.
Later on I had an official email reply to something I’d been chasing up, and the answer was not to my liking so I fired off my 2nd missive of the day. You should remember you may think I am a clapped out old fat guy with immaculate sliver hair, though I still feel young and virile, at least in my imagination, I still get looks you know. It’s all a question of prospective you know, and that reminds me I did write about Prospective years ago. So I annoyed and upset the people who sent me the email, but I’d say they deserved it.
If you claim to do customer service then do it well, don’t just write it on the letterhead. Remember I may carry a donkey called pain, and smell like one, but I do carry a loaded pen, and with a pen you can change the world. Look what the Evangelists did, in fact I used to joke I would only ever write 4 books, but obviously their Agent is more powerful than mine, in fact I don’t have one.
So much for the power of words, words do have strength and you can blackmail people with your words, or browbeat them, though at the end of the session it will be you who gets thrown out. However sidestepping the news, the never ending news we have the tragic news here in England about a mother and news reader for the BBC who is dying of breast cancer. As you know I am a news junkie, so when I read about this in the Press I was sadden like all of you reading this are.
So this is where I can ask you all to heed the power of my words as I ask you all to use the power of your prayer for this mother who will soon be leaving her family. No more words of mine are good enough, but we can all say a silent prayer for this mother and BBC news reader. Just send our strength and love to her and her family, positive thoughts of love to a stranger, though we may never meet, we lay our prayers for her at God’s feet.

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