Saturday, 22 September 2018

Love Twins

Love Twins ©
Michael Casey

Well the pain monster was really bad for a bit, but at least I did not need a nap today. I saw Hell Boy II on tv again tonight as well, so that in part gave me an idea to talk about. I also put our piano up for sale, it’s been gathering dust and after so many years not being used you have to face reality and make room in the house. Half the family wanted to keep it, and the other half wanted it to go. So as the ignored dad I said let’s pass the piano on to somebody who would love and use it, or at least dust it.

It was an idea of the wife’s for the girls to have lessons and play, both passed Grade One. They have also passed exams in choral singing, the church they go to is very good, so a big thank you to Godfather David, you didn’t know the Mafia had a chapter at the local church. Only joking, I better be careful or Betty will slap me, she was their piano teacher, she’s 90 now I believe.

So this is an example of past lives, love twinning piano playing daughters together. In Hell Boy II it showed how a brother and sister were linked and emotionally connected. Me and my youngest sister are connected like that too. I will phone here before she rings me, and vice versa, she rings me as I think of her. I imagine it happens in other families too. It is a connection, it is love.

So why does this happen? Is it nature or is it genes, a way of defending the tribe, the clan, and with all my Irish cousins I am part of a Kerry clan? I think it is because Love does know no boundaries, you’ll know when a parent has died on the other side of the world. Or you will fall to your knees as pray, let it be me, let them be safe. In my Malta story which I re-posted recently, Esther, and I think I’ve finally spelt it correctly now, Esther says let it be me, save everybody else.

Love twins us with those we love, a girlfriend, a boyfriend, a dog. The love between us is like a rubber band holding us together, it can stretch and stretch but we are joined. We are brought back together, to our love twin, sometimes elastic band snaps, and that is why it hurts so much.

You all know examples of people twinned, workers down a pit, or in a football team are all twins. Folks in the army love each other, doesn’t mean they speak nicely to each other, or buy each other presents. Jake would break Mike’s jaw if such a thing happened, and no it does not happen, maybe in special services as they have a strange sense of humour, when you might die suddenly it does mean you do develop black humour.

However if the President asks why you rescued all your buddies despite all the incoming fire, you’ll say, I’ve met their mothers and their mothers would kill me if I didn’t save them all. Besides I’m dating all their sisters simultaneously, and to save my sex life I just had to save all their lives, all 18 of them. Now that would impress the President, but I couldn’t possibly know the truth of it.

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