Friday, 14 September 2018

What do you mean?

What do you mean?

Well today has been a pain day, it's a very tiring experience and you have to lie down, and it wastes a lot of your day. However it's nice that my readers all show up on  the map. Thailand, Poland, France and Spain are having a look as I speak to you all. So it means my words must work all over the world, not unless they were looking for a porn site and found me instead. 

They could just be looking for a way to send me junk emails, or adverts for various stuff I could like. pain relief and tinnitus seem popular. I just delete them unread and I never click on any links. 40 years ago I started in computers, when a disc drive was as big as a washing machine, so please don't waste my time.

If you genuinely care for the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham, just say a prayer at whatever church/temple you use, even if its a bar in a red light area, or a Japanese private hotel. Here's to Michael as you drink a glass or Stella Artois.

I really need shades because in my decades in dark computer rooms my eyes got used to the shade, so when I go outside normal sunlight is too much. So I wear shades 95% of the time when I go outside. I wear them indoors too, in order to prevent eyestrain while I spend my day on the computer. It is my WINDOW on the world, tv news and newspapers plus radio news helps fill my day. Maybe I'll be a journalist when I get to Heaven, which will be in the next 10 years by my own estimation. My pain levels plus the statistical probability post quadruple heart bypass inform that number. As I told my kids 3.5 years ago, just enjoy me while I'm here.

I did try and buy some new shades online but all I got back were fakes, so the moral of the story is I must only buy from a store where I can try them on.  I have a big head, as my mother told me and remembered from my birth, so shades falsely labeled are just too small. So I have learnt from my mistake and will never buy shades online again. My best ever shades were the black folding ray bans, extra large a plasticy rubber material. They were unclaimed lost property so after 3 months I got them. I had then for 10 years then 5 years ago on maybe my last ever holiday, as I cannot really go anywhere due to pain and screaming problems. Anyway there was this black guy at the hotel in Malta who really worked his butt off, he worked so hard, so on impulse I gave him the RayBans and told him he needed them. I hope he's still using them, as quality like RayBans lasts.

So at the airport I bought some Tommy Hilfiger's and those are what you see me wearing at the moment. After 5 years they are a bit battered, rather like me, so I did want some nice new ones. However that online purchase has been a disaster, so I promise myself only ever to buy in person, not unless one of the Blue's Brothers want to send me an old pair of their's.

Which brings us to, what do you mean? Why do people abuse language so much. If you have seen Monty Python's the Parrot Sketch, you'll understand. Why do people lie so much,  just to get a few extra quid? For power? As somebody said The Power of Love is the only power worth having. Jennifer Rush's version is really good. Go listen to that. Don't waste your life arguing over money and power, or the price of fake sunglasses, try being honest, you never know you might enjoy it. Perhaps I should direct this to Donald Trump. Lying over the dead, this really is the worst of the worst behaviour.

Maybe when it's proven publicly that Russian money propped up the Trump empire, then and only then will we understand what all these words really meant. But who am I to judge, I am just a fat silver haired writer in need of some new shades, here in Birmingham, the one in England.

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