Friday, 6 July 2018

Welcoming Finland

Welcoming Finland  (and i just spoted Norway)

I did meet a Finnish lady once when I workd at CPNEC Birmingham, a 4star deluxe hotel. The  lady wanted to know was it fur weather or not.

So God Bless her, just in case it's her who  has stumbled over me.

Or it's Putin  getting ready for his meeting with Trump.

Either way all readers are most welcome.

I will write a new piece later today, but the heat is so much, and post quadruple heart bypass I'm not as gung ho as I used to be. i was telling my neighbour about three 20+ mile hikes I took without any preparation in my pass. Sadly I cannot do that any more. One in 1976 as a MARCH assessor, one in 1986 in Kerry Eire, and one in Normandy in 1985. 5 mile walks used to be so easy, or 8k if you are metric handicapped.

I am not totally useless, I just have to pace myself, which reminds me of an old joke, about church bells and then the icecream van, do your research.

I'll write a new piece  later today, I've been trying to exorcise the cursor from hell,though it could just be a Windows 10 hiccup.

Aren't the England team near Finland? Just go and play with your balls and don't waste your time on me, as if its them. i couldn't even fit into a waistcoat.

By the way why are footballer's balls bigger that rugby players balls? They sell more tickets.

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