Sunday, 15 July 2018

Dear Donald and Vlad

Well, I did not write anything new today as I was having some family time, and searching for something online. So if you want something to write then can I direct you to:-   

which has many stories and even a few books attached in Translation

or if you have a card tyhen buy online at:-

Now boys, no arm wrestling, Donald is a golfer and loves money, so his grib is enormous. And Vlad you do Judo so know all about holding on.

You could say you will send a train to collect Kim's nukes and missiles and transport then out of North Korea. Go on Vlad I dare you.

As for you Donald, an arms race only makes Americans rich and the world poor.

So why now announce a joint space journey first to moon then mars. But if you  don't hurry China will have a noodle bar  established before you arrive on the moon.

It takes a Man to be Wise enough to stop this madness of the arms race. Why not have a Religious convention in Red Square, Vlad, we've all seem just how pretty it is. Nobody lives forever Vlad and your heart problem will soon come back, so make your Peace with History. 

And why not have my stories in Every School in Russia to help teach English as a foreign language. Tax Free,  10 million pounds, a house, a car and a puppy dog is my fee for the Russian rights. ASK Donald to donate it, he would not miss it.

Russia was reading my stuff today again, so thank your driver, I'm sure he practises  his English while he's waiting for you in the car park. USA reads me nearly every day too. It could be Donald while he's sat on the toilet, multifunctioning it's called. Or maybe reading my stories works as a laxative, you should ask him. Also if you listen to my voice you learn British English, and this always impresses Americans.

What else  can I say, Star Trek, Into the Darkness was on tv last night, it was very good, so walk across Red Square to Blockbusters and get a copy. I'm sure I saw one in Red2 the film.

Thank you for the World Cup, it looked great as did your country. But please no more nasty business in Salibury. Or was it an Edward the Confessor moment, Who will rid me of this turbulent priest etc, if you remember your English History.

Russia deserves a great future, it can start by just one first step, the Long March started with the 1st and look at China now. So Vlad, don't be like Pinocchio
Donald lies all the time, everybody knows that, we are not stupid.

Together Reach for the Stars and get out of the Gutter.

Here's the Link to Pinocchio film so enjoy it together, have popcorn and hotdogs, and get Donald to lose his virginity by giving him Voda, at least 2 litres of it.

ok, I'll finish now, enjoy Pinocchio together and arrange another meeting when you can sit down and enjoy another Disney classic. And tell Ladroff your foreign secretary to keep his head down when the film is showing, you want to see Pinocchio and not the back of his big head.

you are all invited to Birmingham, you can visit saint phillips cathedral with me, then you can buy me lunch, and practice your British English accent. What else have you got to do?

Have a good sleep now, be ready for the Donald, and remember God loves sinners, so who he loves more, you or the Donald I don't know. Does God love me, the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham? Ask saint Michael the Archangel, he's always hanging around Red Square, him and saint Andrew.

Nite Nite

Michael Casey

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