Monday, 30 July 2018

another quick thank you

Hello world,  just a quick thanks for passing by, from Brazil to Japan and all points in between.
Well the Summer seems to have ended, and it seems to have helped with the Artrhritis pain. But now with the drop in temperature my body has decided to ache. 2 days of pain. I should have something new for you by Midnight, its just after 6pm now. I did in fact have 2 or 3 ideas, what I'll end up with we will discover together. Trump did not turn up with that cheque for my house. it really is for sale.

I had  a very nice email today from a lady who liked my stuff, so hello and thank you to her. It is nice when people like or are even touched by something I produce. The Poetry side is less of me and more of, I don't know what, maybe it's a heartbeat caught on the breeze, or a sigh from the high heavens, or something dropped by a poet or angel. Something ordinary to them which to us, you and me is like a diamond. I'm not clever enough to explain it, I'm just glad when it works. So long as you all remember all that glitters is not gold. And be careful what you find in the street, it could be Novachok.

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...