Sunday, 8 April 2018

Just a QUICK thank you to my wordpress readers

the link above is to my wordpress site, its full of stuff

At the moment 300 readers in a couple of days for my German Translation of

The Butcher The Baker and  The Undertaker

all of the readers seem to be in USA too.

There is also a Spanish translation of my comic novel on my Wordpress site too

So if you have Latino relatives in USA  tell them to take a peek.

Though obviously I'd prefer you all to BUY all my books on Amazon

but  thanks for reading my stuff and  maybe finally I'll get discovered instead of just stolen.

Tomorrow 9th April 2018 would have been my mother's Birthday , 98 if still alive.

But I know she's in Heaven praying for my Health.

I still dream of living in a bigger house and having a black dog.

Though like  Antonio Banderas I realise life is short, he had his heart attack and I had my quadruple heart bypass.

the stone building is where my mum was born in 1920 and lived with 9 siblings  till 12 years old. Cromane Lower County Kerry Eire.

Mum used to say there were many mansions in Heaven so the image of the fancy house is a mansion I'd love to live in IF I sold some books. Its in B17 Birmingham on Rightmove.
If you are Rupert Murdoch my fee for my writing is a house,the one below, a dog, the one below. Plus a car for my daughter once she learns to drive. The money we can argue about. And yes, I'd use some money to help fund a Pain Relief Centre, perhaps donate to Birmingham Medical School. But all this is a dream till somebody opens the door to let my talent through. The  only reality is my pain and my writing.

Image result for black labrador

Picture 2

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Finally got up, been hiding from Tinnitus

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