Friday, 6 April 2018

As God Cries

As God Cries ©
Michael Casey

Well its 5th April 2018, and the Russian Spy Poisoning Saga continues, as London beats New York for Murders. So I wondered should I comment or write a Poem of Lament, would sarcasm work, would oceans of tears help, would David Lammy be a magician and help his constituency beat the evil that is swirling around. We also have a 78 year old man have 2 burglars in the night, and one burglar died, the other one drove off in his van. So the news is all very sad.

I have my own bitter sweet news happening too, which hopefully will have a happy ending, with the help of God and two Policeman. They say you should used the Augustinian method when sorting out problems, or 360 degrees appraisal, but how does God feel? As I talk Rainbow sing Bless Me, Bless Me.

So I’m doing to try and see God’s point of view, voiced by me. Though some will call this heretical, so I’ll say to them GROW UP. Which may be what God might say.

I cried for Mother Russia when the Nazi pure evil poured over your land, Mary prayed for you constantly as you all shivered in the cold. I understood when you freed all the East why you wanted a buffer zone after what Hitler had done to you.

I can understand the strengths and values and the nobility of hope, the anti-Nazi hope, and I can see the oh so Liberal West. But children my children when did you sell your soul? Why did you not understand that sharing is Christian and all other Faiths believe in sharing and looking after the weak. This Communism started as a freedom of the spirit, freedom from tyranny, very noble, the angels all applauded. But then it all went wrong, one master was replaced by another hypocritical master.

What happened to my churches, freedom to believe, the only belief was unbelief. And what did that lead to, to sadness and lack of joy. Cheating at Sport, which was touted as the new religion, we must cheat at sport to make the masses proud. You think the people are cattle and treat them like that, to be milked. Then the riches are sold off to people who desert mother Russia, no wonder people make less and less babies. Less children is a sure sign of unhappiness. And Mary cries, she is crying, Mary cries because she loves Mother Russia.

Man makes more weapons, more ways to destroy this Eden created for you all to share. North Korea should sing more, and make toys, real toys, not threaten everybody. I weep tears, oceans of tears, the angels are distraught. What has become of my children, all my children. My tears join the oceans, as the Polar caps melt, all because of greed not need. Polar bears keep me company as I walk on this Good Earth, my joy, which I created for my children, all my children to share.

Famines rage and nobody cares, the Angels cry and whales lament with their songs, in harmony Angels and whales lament. Its too much for the whales so in their sorrow they are beached, their songs of sorrow drive them mad.

In the Americas which began with so much hope when Columbus set sail has just broken my heart even more. Drugs pollute peoples veins, and its such a crying shame.Mary holds the hands of the dying and those trying to break free from all this poison, even more tears does she shed. Then over the Border a man who would could be a Caesar is spitting and looking in the mirror of popular tv, while the whole world looks on at all his many calamities. Vanity oh Vanity, where is real Christian charity?

Spite seems to be the keyword, Love and Charity are abandoned and where is Hope. Where is the Love, it seems to be hidden under a bushel, and not a grain of rice is shared, no bread is baked nor broken any more.

Maybe God is dead, maybe I’m talking to myself, there are no people, my Creation does not exist. Should I make it all disappear? Do such people deserve any Hope?

Yet, I hear prayers, I hear tiny tiny whispers, somebody prayed that that Russian girl poisoned should live. Why because she had the same name as a man’s mother, for no other reason than that. Perhaps more prayers will emerge from the Dark, prayers of hope and love, perhaps people will realise that even God can run out of patience. God’s Omega will eventually sound an alarm, Mankind your Time is Up.

God’s Creation is beautiful and worth saving. Mother Russia should be honest enough to change it’s future just it did 100 years ago. Russia and USA could together reach for the stars, on this Starry Starry Night, they could see if they can reach the Angel Cafe. China could rebuild America’s infrastructure just as they built the railways with the Irish long ago.

People could give up drugs and use their imagination instead, on this Starry Starry night. But I feel a chill, is it Satan crawling from his pit freezing Love as he crawls along corrupting virgins? Will nobody Pray above the Pain, has mankind gone Insane? Where is the Love? Mary is saying the Rosary, can the World join in? Is the Rosary a Circle of Prayer or a noose that Mankind prefers to hang itself with?

A shooting star passes overhead, one dying man is praying, its an old Russian who survived the Nazis, he is praying, he is praying.He is praying with Hope and Love, Mary has joined in, the angels too, the whole of Heaven is praying with the dying Russian man. He is not praying for his own soul, he is praying for the soul of his dear mother, his dear Mother Russia, he has hope and love in his heart as his body dies. He loves Mother Russia, if only it could be as it should be, better than North Korea and better than China or even the USA.   

The old Russian man dies and Saint Michael himself brings him to Heaven, God hands him a vodka and some English tea. Where there is Prayer there is Hope and God stands next to us. So we should all pray and hope and try not to worry as Padre Pio used to say.


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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far