Friday, 6 April 2018

Interview Questions a la Michael Casey

Interview Questions a la Michael Casey (c)
Michael Casey

Hello how are you, we’ll be very direct in this interview
Why do you want this job
Look for liars licking lips, does he look upwards before answering, is he making it up.
Money or job satisfaction what’s the most important
Ask can they speak any languages too.
Have you ever been sacked?
Look for his/her reaction
Do you mind working Saturdays or do you play football then or
Recover from a night on Broad street then, smile as you say this
How long will you stay with us?
Do you object to a CRB?
Again watch facial reaction.
What are your strong points?
What are your weaknesses.
Have you ever lied to get a job.
Watch the reaction and say that was a trick/joke question
How would you deal with a difficult client, say my 18 stone black belt in martial arts husband, then smile, only joking he is only 17.5 stones but he does love his Judo.
Now as this is a PEOPLE JOB, we want you to do a test, you can stand up if up if you like. Do you mind if I film you while you do the test, just so our Directors can all judge you.
I want you to sell this building, the one we are in right now.
You have 5 mins or so.
Then you film him/her do not stop him till he/she has done 10 mins.
If they cannot perform then they are no good.
They should be able to do 15 mins at least but 10 should be enough.
Stop them.
Thank you, this concludes the interview we will be in touch.
No more conversation, show them the door
BUT watch them all the time, if they swear under their breath they are still no good because they are UNPROFESSIONAL.
And are not good enough even if they were the best on film, if they did it in real life they could lose the company business.

and that's how I interview people

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