Tuesday, 20 February 2018

If I were a fashion writer

If I were a Fashion Writer, what would I write  ©
By Michael Casey
Nov 10, '09 3:24 PM

To begin with let me explain. I was trawling through the jobs sites when I came across an ad looking
for all kinds of everything for a Fashion Mag, non paid I might add. So it set me thinking. I do have a
Shanghai wife who sets heads turning, and I have to comment on all the fashion she wears. So after
more than 10 years I have learnt a little about Fashion.
I would no doubt be called Grandpa whenever I attended a Fashion Event, I have the same white
hair that the famous fashion designer has, I don't wear gloves with the fingers cut off though.
Though I do have thinsulate gloves in black and in red. Just as he has two colours. My waistline is
bigger, I'm as big as 2 models, though you would never see me in purple lipstick and covered in
rouge. Fishnet tights though, that's another matter, Men in tights and Pantomime is an English
tradition. Google Pantomime if you have not heard of Panto. Men dress up as women and women
dress up as men, perhaps as Robin Hood. Its fun for all the family. But I was talking about fish net
tights before I was side tracked. Fashion makes a very big statement. Some of the high end fashion is
not really fashion. It really is a work of Art. I saw a documentary once on TV and after watching the
man with the funny gloves and the white hair go about his work I realised it really was Art and not
just Fashion. Now what would I do at a fashion show? I'd drink the free champagne for starters, pity
they don't serve hot dogs too, then I'd be in heaven. Some of the designers destroy what they are
trying to achieve by too much hideous make up. The fashion really would be better served by well
dressed dummies. Smearing a beautiful models with soot just destroys the vision. The dead eyes
that you see when models walk the cat walk is terrible. Yes Fashion is King, but if the models looked
happy and you could almost believe that they all fought to get into the dress they were wearing.
Then you'd say, she looks so happy wearing that you can see the joy in her eyes. Then Fashion would
be better served.
There are other designs which are truly great but they are ruined because the colour palette is so
It’s like when you see 2009 Punk Rockers, I remember the original ones 30 years ago so today's
versions are just so passe.  You can go into a shop and as you look around you see 40 shades of grey
or 20 shades of black. It’s not even worth trying the clothes on. Ditto when you can see the clothes
are for 40 or 50 somethings. Colour is Great, so USE IT, life is in Colour so let’s see it in the designs.
Women are beautiful and the more intelligent 1/2 of our species, their beauty should be celebrated
and enhanced by fashion. Colour and Cut matched to sympathetic makeup will make women glow,
and allow women to wrap men around their little finger even more. Good fashion does this and I
know that when I look at my wife.

from 2009

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