Saturday, 3 February 2018

Having a lazy day or two

I'm having a lazy day today as the pain has come out to play.  Sunday was a 2nd day of pain too.

Arthritis is no fun etc etc etc

It was in The King and I that Yul Brenner used to say etc etc etc.

I've noticed I've gone through the 1600 individual pieces of writing mark, including repeats on this site, so if you've been following me for 10 years here and 8 years on Wordpress you will have had plenty to read and you'll have gained a little insight into my Birmingham England family life. 

the link above goes to my first ever book.  click on the writer's page after you click on that link.


to get the full list of 15 books straight away.

Anybody can upload a book via KDP to Amazon.

Writing is easy.

Getting people to spare a dime or two to buy a book that is the HARD part.

perhaps I should say I fell in love with words 50 years ago, and spent 20 years LISTENING

before I picked up a pen. So for me Writing is easy now, 50 years on.

In my head I'm still 20, though you can make your own mind up.

I have a Writing style that has evolved and I also use a few other styles with my writing as the story

spills out on the paper.

I hope everybody sees I want everybody to be happy and never to be overlooked, that's why I favour

the underdog. Because I am that dog too.

I want to make you all laugh and leave a legacy of laugher behind. I've reached 1.25Million WORDS

now or about 3600 pages.  Which is an awful lot of toilet paper, but mainly its all in ebooks, and an

ebook is no use to wipe your bum with. Though my invisible friends Boris, Lech and Gregorgi may

know better. For some reason too Poland and Ukraine seem to like my words the most, though 25

places and more do read my words. Though they could all be bored night shift Hotel Workers.

Or it could be Trump and Murdoch reading my stuff. Or even Mark from FB, or the Press Corps

locked in the basement   at the WH or Mara Largo. Though more than likely its the Dear Leader from

North Korea, he reads my stuff to improve his English.

Whatever reason you read my stuff, or why my cursor moves all over the place methodically ,

perhaps Bill Gates is reading me first as I write this. Whatever reason you read my words can I just

say THANKS. Even if you never buy a book.

I have to go now there is a knock on the door, the North Korean Cheerleaders are coming around for

Kebab and chips. So long as they leave a smile on my lips I will be happy. And yes SURREAL is my

favourite word in the English language. It'll take years to get all the 350 North Korean Cheerleaders

to pronounce it properly.

But if you look on my sites you can find something I have prepared for them.아직도-살아있는-2015-to-celebrate-korean-olympics/

p.s. Trump and the Dear Leader should come to Birmingham and Sky tv could sponsor it. they can have tea and cake at Druckers behind Saint Philips cathedral, they could both even step inside and light a candle in the cathedral.

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far