Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Small Thoughts

Small Thoughts from Birmingham.

Well it was ironic that after writing that piece about pain I was later in so much pain I thought it wise to go to hospital.

Now today I am kind of jet lagged as I was awake for 28hours till I got  home.

At least the stabbing pain to my left shoulder has gone. Only for a different kind of pain to appear elsewhere. But I will get an appointment with an Orthopedic specialist, so I can talk to them about it. Though my mother had arthritis and my dad the heart trouble, so I've inherit both from them. Close families are good, if  only you don't inherit the diseases.

I'm glad that when I put a substitute story on the page you all seem to like it wherever you are in the world. It's like having Pele on the bench to come on and dribble my words all over the page while I have a rest.

I have 1600 individual stories including repeats to draw upon. And I can and 7 more new stories a week.

It's too late to write another new story today but come back in the next 24hours and I'll be rested enough to produce more.

Though did I tell you who I saw in the Charity Shop today? It was the Queen,she had the Corgis with her for protection, she buys all those hats she wears at my local charity shop, we have 13 charity shops to choose from. My daughters do a bit of volunteering in them. I did tell them to invite the Queen home for tea and biscuits. She could also use our toilet before the drive back to London.

Billy Graham died tonight, so good luck to him as he has the entry interview to Heaven. He has to get up even earlier to milk those cows as they do like their tea in Heaven, coffee is not allowed. I'm sure he'll be great at getting the teas made for all the Angels each and every morning  in Paradise. You see you greatest talent is used the most once you get to Heaven.

So what would I be doing in Heaven, assuming they let me in. I have cleaned toilets professionally when I worked at CPNEC Birmingham, I did do 10 different roles regularly. I carried far too much paper in my computer room days. No need of paper in Heaven, telepathy would be used. So what could I do? I can write stories and tell stories. But what if AI was in Heaven, I would not stand a chance.

I'd have to resort to Prayer, Dear God help me, I don't know what I can do to be of service to you. Then Billy Graham would come along and get me to help with the milking. My family back in Kerry Ireland were farmers after all. I even have a cousin who still farms the Casey farm in Carker Scarthaglen. So Maybe with the Help of God and two Policemen as my mother used to say I'd be allowed to milk cows for the Angels' tea in Heaven. I'm sure Billy Graham would show me the ropes.

Speaking of ropes, I could be the bell ringer in Heaven, though I heard only tears and prayers moved the bell, no ropes required. So I'm wondering what all of you my readers  in 26+ different countries think I could do in my future Heavenly future.

I'm sure Lech and Boris and Gregorgi have plenty of ideas about what a writer  such as I could do in Heaven. Though they might just say try being a better writer on earth, before I even think of Heaven. So maybe I'll do that and in the morning The Best Has Yet to Come, failing that you'll have to put up with my usual rubbish, or God might just hit me with a thunderbolt, and tell me to go to Hell.

Lech, Boris and Gregorgi  and laughing their socks of now, I think God sent me this Trio of friends as a punishment..

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far